Top Personal Finance Ebook Best Sellers


Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki Cover Art

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki

In Rich Dad Poor Dad, the #1 Personal Finance book of all time, Robert Kiyosaki shares the story of his two dad: his real father, whom he calls his ‘poor dad,’ and the father of his best friend, the man who became his mentor and his ‘rich dad.’ One man was well educated and an employee all his life, the other’s education was “street smarts” over traditional classroom education and he took the path of entrepreneurship…a road that led him to become one of the wealthiest men in Hawaii. Robert’s poor dad struggled financially all his life, and these two dads—these very different points of view of money, investing, and employment—shaped Robert’s thinking about money. Robert has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people, around the world, think about money and investing and he has become a global advocate for financial education and the path to financial freedom. Rich Dad Poor Dad (and the Rich Dad series it spawned) has sold over 36 million copies in English and translated editions around the world. Rich Dad Poor Dad will… • explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich • challenge the belief that your house is an asset • show parents why they can’t rely on the school system to teach their kids about money • define, once and for all, an asset and a liability • explain the difference between good debt and bad debt • teach you to see the world of money from different perspectives • discuss the shift in mindset that can put you on the road to financial freedom


Financial Freedom - Grant Sabatier Cover Art

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need by Grant Sabatier

The International Bestseller New York Public Library's "Top 10 Think Thrifty Reads of 2023" "This book blew my mind. More importantly, it made financial independence seem achievable . I read Financial Freedom three times, cover-to-cover."  — Lifehacker M oney is unlimited. Time i s not. Become financially independent as fast as possible. In 2010, 24-year old Grant Sabatier woke up to find he had $2.26 in his bank account. Five years later, he had a net worth of over $1.25 million, and CNBC began calling him "the Millennial Millionaire." By age 30, he had reached financial independence. Along the way he uncovered that most of the accepted wisdom about money, work, and retirement is either incorrect, incomplete, or so old-school it's obsolete. Financial Freedom is a step-by-step path to make more money in less time, so you have more time for the things you love. It challenges the accepted narrative of spending decades working a traditional 9 to 5 job, pinching pennies, and finally earning the right to retirement at age 65, and instead offers readers an alternative: forget everything you've ever learned about money so that you can actually live the life you want. Sabatier offers surprising, counter-intuitive advice on topics such as how to: *  Create profitable side hustles that you can turn into passive income streams or full-time businesses *  Save money without giving up what makes you happy *  Negotiate more out of your employer than you thought possible *  Travel the world for less *  Live for free--or better yet, make money on your living situation *  Create a simple, money-making portfolio that only needs minor adjustments *  Think creatively--there are so many ways to make money, but we don't see them. But most importantly, Sabatier highlights that, while one's ability to make money is limitless, one's time is not. There's also a limit to how much you can save, but not to how much money you can make. No one should spend precious years working at a job they dislike or worrying about how to make ends meet. Perhaps the biggest surprise: You need less money to "retire" at age 30 than you do at age 65. Financial Freedom is not merely a laundry list of advice to follow to get rich quick--it's a practical roadmap to living life on one's own terms, as soon as possible.


The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel Cover Art

The Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money
Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
by Morgan Housel

Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money—investing, personal finance, and business decisions—is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics.


Financial Literacy for All - John Hope Bryant Cover Art

Financial Literacy for All

Financial Literacy for All Disrupting Struggle, Advancing Financial Freedom, and Building a New American Middle Class by John Hope Bryant

A new approach to understanding money and achieving financial fulfillment Former Vice-Chairman of the U.S. President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, John Hope Bryant, delivers an accessible and powerful resource for everyday Americans seeking to build a strong financial foundation. This book is an easy-to-read first step toward a fulfilling financial future, helping you understand your relationship to work and money, and a key component to untangling the surprisingly simple puzzle of personal finance. With an insightful forward by Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., you'll learn how to create wealth for yourself and your family, regardless of your educational or employment background, and how to establish a financial mindset that contributes to a sound future. You'll also discover: The answers to tough money questions, including the actual utility of new financial inventions like cryptocurrency How to think about exchanging your time and effort for money and the conditions under which you should agree to work Plain-English discussions of the principles of responsible long-term investing and how it differs from speculation Acting as a critical pillar for those seeking to build a rock-solid financial foundation, Financial Literacy for All is a must-have book for working professionals, blue-collar workers, members of young families, and established businesspeople looking for a better, more secure future for themselves and the ones they care about.


The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition - Dave Ramsey Cover Art

The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition

The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

Do you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people just like you learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America's favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey. By now, you've already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you're tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term help. The Total Money Makeover is the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely changing your finances. And, best of all, these principles are based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. This is the financial reset you've been looking for. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition will give you the tools and the encouragement you need to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt--from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball methodBreak bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with moneyRecognize the 10 most dangerous money mythsSecure a healthy nest egg for emergencies and set yourself up for retirementBecome financially healthy for lifeLive like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else! This edition of The Total Money Makeover includes new, expanded "Dave Rants" that tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition also includes brand new back-of-the-book resources to help you make The Total Money Makeover your new reality.


Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki Cover Art

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad
What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
by Robert T. Kiyosaki

It's been nearly 25 years since Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad first made waves in the Personal Finance arena. It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world. Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. 20 Years... 20/20 Hindsight In the 20th Anniversary Edition of this classic, Robert offers an update on what we’ve seen over the past 20 years related to money, investing, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will take readers “fast forward” — from 1997 to today — as Robert assesses how the principles taught by his rich dad have stood the test of time. In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad , messages that were criticized and challenged two decades ago, are more meaningful, relevant and important today than they were 20 years ago. As always, readers can expect that Robert will be candid, insightful... and continue to rock more than a few boats in his retrospective. Will there be a few surprises? Count on it. Rich Dad Poor Dad ... • Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich • Challenges the belief that your house is an asset • Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money • Defines once and for all an asset and a liability • Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. 20 Years... 20/20 Hindsight In the 20th Anniversary Edition of this classic, Robert offers an update on what we’ve seen over the past 20 years related to money, investing, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will take readers “fast forward” — from 1997 to today — as Robert assesses how the principles taught by his rich dad have stood the test of time. In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad , messages that were criticized and challenged two decades ago, are more meaningful, relevant and important today than they were 20 years ago. As always, readers can expect that Robert will be candid, insightful... and continue to rock more than a few boats in his retrospective. Will there be a few surprises? Count on it. Rich Dad Poor Dad ... • Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich • Challenges the belief that your house is an asset • Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money • Defines once and for all an asset and a liability • Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success


I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Ramit Sethi Cover Art

I Will Teach You to Be Rich

I Will Teach You to Be Rich No Guilt. No Excuses. Just a 6-Week Program That Works (Second Edition) by Ramit Sethi

As seen on the new NETFLIX series! The groundbreaking NEW YORK TIMES and WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER that taught a generation how to earn more, save more, and live a rich life—now in a revised 2nd edition.   Buy as many lattes as you want. Choose the right accounts and investments so your money grows for you—automatically. Best of all, spend guilt-free on the things you love.   Personal finance expert Ramit Sethi has been called a “wealth wizard” by Forbes and the “new guru on the block” by Fortune . Now he’s updated and expanded his modern money classic for a new age, delivering a simple, powerful, no-BS 6-week program that just works.   I Will Teach You to Be Rich will show you: • How to crush your debt and student loans faster than you thought possible • How to set up no-fee, high-interest bank accounts that won’t gouge you for every penny • How Ramit automates his finances so his money goes exactly where he wants it to—and how you can do it too • How to talk your way out of late fees (with word-for-word scripts) • How to save hundreds or even thousands per month (and still buy what you love) • A set-it-and-forget-it investment strategy that’s dead simple and beats financial advisors at their own game • How to handle buying a car or a house, paying for a wedding, having kids, and other big expenses—stress free • The exact words to use to negotiate a big raise at work   Plus, this 10th anniversary edition features over 80 new pages, including: • New tools • New insights on money and psychology • Amazing stories of how previous readers used the book to create their rich lives   Master your money—and then get on with your life.  


La psicología del dinero - Morgan Housel Cover Art

La psicología del dinero

La psicología del dinero Cómo piensan los ricos: 18 claves imperecederas sobre riqueza y felicidad by Morgan Housel

En cuestiones de dinero, lo que importa no es lo listo que seas sino cómo te comportas. Tendemos a pensar en la inversión o la gestión de las finanzas personales como una disciplina matemática, en la que los datos y las fórmulas nos dicen exactamente qué hacer. Sin embargo, el rasgo que define a las personas que logran enriquecerse no es su destreza con los números, ni su salario o su talento, sino su historia personal, sus motivaciones y su visión única del mundo. Un genio que pierde el control de sus emociones puede ser un desastre financiero. Y lo mismo vale en caso contrario: gente de a pie sin formación en finanzas puede enriquecerse si cuenta con unos cuantos patrones de comportamiento. Esto, impensable en otras disciplinas como la arquitectura o la medicina, es fundamental en el campo de las finanzas. Este libro, llamado a convertirse en un clásico de las finanzas personales, nos provee del conocimiento esencial para entender la psicología del dinero y nos invita a hacernos una pregunta fundamental que raramente nos hacemos, cuál es nuestra relación con el dinero y qué queremos realmente de él. A partir de 18 claves imperecederas, Morgan Housel nos enseña cómo funciona la psicología del dinero y cuáles son los hábitos y conductas que nos ayudarán no solo a generar riqueza, sino, más importante aún, a conservarla. «Un libro imprescindible para cualquiera que quiera tomar decisiones más inteligentes y vivir una vida más rica.»  Daniel Pink , autor de La sorprendente verdad sobre qué nos motiva «Ideas fascinantes y consejos prácticos. Cualquiera que quiera hacerse rico debería tener una copia de este libro.»  James Clear , autor de Hábitos atómicos «Uno de los mejores y más originales libros de finanzas de los últimos años.»  Jason Zweig, Wall Street Journal «Housel es de esos escritores capaces de hacer digeribles conceptos financieros de lo más complejos. Este es un libro que se devora de principio a fin y que no solo nos explica por qué tomamos malas decisiones con respecto al dinero, sino que nos ayudará a tomar mejores.»  Annie Duke, autora de Thinking in Bets La riqueza no es fruto de nuestra inteligencia, talento o trabajo .  Es fruto de nuestro comportamiento.


Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas Cover Art

Trading in the Zone

Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude by Mark Douglas

Douglas uncovers the underlying reasons for lack of consistency and helps traders overcome the ingrained mental habits that cost them money.  He takes on the myths of the market and exposes them one by one teaching traders to look beyond random outcomes, to understand the true realities of risk, and to be comfortable with the "probabilities" of market movement that governs all market speculation.


Rich Dad's CashFlow Quadrant - Robert T. Kiyosaki Cover Art

Rich Dad's CashFlow Quadrant

Rich Dad's CashFlow Quadrant
Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It’s the second book in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free. CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It’s for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future. Robert believes that the reason most people struggle financially is because they've been spent years in school but were never been taught about money. Robert’s rich dad taught him that this lack of financial education is why so many people work so hard all their lives for money… instead of learning how to make money work for them. This book will change the way you think about jobs, careers, and owning your own business and inspire you to learn the rules of money that the rich use to build and grow their wealth.


The Millionaire Next Door - Dr Thomas J. Stanley Cover Art

The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Dr Thomas J. Stanley

The bestselling The Millionaire Next Door identifies seven common traits that show up again and again among those who have accumulated wealth. Most of the truly wealthy in this country don't live in Beverly Hills or on Park Avenue-they live next door. This new edition, the first since 1998, includes a new foreword for the twenty-first century by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley.


Financial Feminist - Tori Dunlap Cover Art

Financial Feminist

Financial Feminist Overcome the Patriarchy's Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Build a Life You Love by Tori Dunlap

An instant New York Times bestseller From the globally-recognized personal finance educator and social media star behind Her First $100K, an inclusive guide to all things money—from managing debt to investing and voting with your dollars Tori Dunlap was always good with money. As a kid, she watched her prudent parents balance their checkbook every month and learned to save for musical tickets by gathering pennies in an Altoids tin. But she quickly discovered that her experience with money was pretty unusual, especially among her female friends. It wasn’t our fault. Investigating this financial literacy and wealth gap, Tori found that girls are significantly less likely to receive a holistic financial education; we’re taught to restrain our spending, while boys are taught about investing and rewarded for pursuing wealth. In adulthood, women are hounded by the unfounded stereotype of the frivolous spenders whose lattes are to blame for the wealth gap. And when something like, say, a global pandemic happens, we’re the first to have jobs cut and the last to re-enter the workforce. It's no wonder money is a source of anxiety and a barrier to equality for so many of us. But what if money didn't mean restriction, and instead, choice? The ability to luxuriously travel, quit toxic jobs, donate to important organizations, retire early? The freedom to live the life you want, and change the world while you do it? Tori founded Her First $100K to teach women to overcome the unique obstacles standing in the way of their financial freedom. In Financial Feminist, she distills the principles of her shame- and judgment-free approach to paying off debt, figuring out your value categories to spend mindfully, saving money without monk-like deprivation, and investing in order to spend your retirement tanning in Tulum. You will learn: - Exercises to help you understand your current relationship with money, figure out what you want to change, and how to make that happen - How to decide on your investment goal, and discover the three steps to meeting it - Learn how to source the data you need to negotiate the money you deserve Featuring journaling prompts, deep-dives into the invisible aspects of the financial landscape, and interviews with experts on everything money—from predatory credit card companies to the racial wealth gap and voting with your dollars—Financial Feminist is the ultimate guide to making your money work harder for you (rather than the other way around.)


Poor Richard’s Almanack - Benjamin Franklin Cover Art

Poor Richard’s Almanack

Poor Richard’s Almanack by Benjamin Franklin

Poor Richard’s Almanack was a yearly almanac that was published by Benjamin Franklin under the pseudonym Richard Saunders. A popular pamphlet in colonial America, Poor Richard’s Almanack was filled with the wit and wisdom of Benjamin Franklin in the form of hundreds of proverbs and other data. This edition of Poor Richard’s Almanack is a collection of the proverbs and sayings of Benjamin Franklin from all of the almanacs from 1732 to 1758. Topics include advice on money, family, friendship, health, virtue, and God.


The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed - Benjamin Graham Cover Art

The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed

The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed The Definitive Book on Value Investing by Benjamin Graham

“By far the best book on investing ever written.” — Warren Buffett The classic text of Benjamin Graham’s seminal The Intelligent Investor has now been revised and annotated to update the timeless wisdom for today’s market conditions. The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing"—which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies—has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949. Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles. Vital and indispensable, this revised edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals.


The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom - Paris Woods Cover Art

The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom

The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom Build Wealth, Retire Early, and Live the Life of Your Dreams by Paris Woods

"Paris's relatable guide will teach you how to build wealth and live life on your own terms."-Kristy Shen, co-author of Quit Like A Millionaire "A great roadmap to mastering your money - and learning a lot about yourself in the process.-Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach(R), author of the New York Times bestseller, Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom Are you tired of spinning your wheels following financial advice that leaves you feeling broker than before? Are you pulling your hair out trying to follow the complicated instructions offered by the gurus? In The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom, Paris Woods takes the guesswork out of wealth-building and presents a plan that anyone can follow. Paris spent years working in education and wanted to find a way to build wealth without changing careers or taking the traditional real estate or business routes. This book is the result of years of research and practice that helped her find a simpler path. Through real-life stories coupled with clear and actionable advice, you will learn to: Build generational wealthAvoid common financial trapsEarn your next degree debt-freeAchieve financial independence and retire earlyDesign a dream life you can start living today This book is perfect for Black women of any age, including young professionals just starting to set financial goals and mid-career women who are tired of following the same old rules and are ready to live life on their own terms. If freedom is your goal, then this is the book for you.


My Money My Way - Kumiko Love Cover Art

My Money My Way

My Money My Way Taking Back Control of Your Financial Life by Kumiko Love

Barnes and Nobles’ 2022 List of “Best Books that Help!" Does fear and insecurity keep you from looking at your bank account? Is your financial anxiety holding you captive? You don’t have to stress about money anymore. YOU can take back control. As a newly divorced single mom making $24,000 per year and facing down $77,000 in debt, Kumiko Love worried constantly about money. She saw what other moms had—vacations, birthday parties, a house full of furniture—and felt ashamed that she and her son lived in a small apartment and ate dinner on the floor. Worse, when her feelings began to exhaust her, she binge-shopped, reasoning that she’d feel better after a trip to the mall.   On the day she needed to pay for a McDonald’s ice cream cone without her credit card, she had an epiphany: Money is not the problem. Self-Doubt is the problem. Shame is the problem. Guilt is the problem. Society’s expectations for her are the problem. She is the solution.   Once she reversed the negative thinking patterns pushing her toward decisions that didn’t serve her values or goals, her financial plan wrote itself. Now, she’s not only living debt-free in her dream home, which she paid for in cash, but she has spread her teachings around the world and helped countless women envision better lives for themselves and their families.   Now, building on the lessons she’s taught millions as the founder of The Budget Mom, she shares a step by step plan for taking control back over your financial life—regardless of your level of income or your credit card balance. Through stories from navigating divorce to helping clients thrive through recessions, depression, eviction, layoffs and so much more, you will learn foundational practices such as:   How to use your emotions to your financial advantage, instead of letting them control youHow to create a budget based on your real life, not a life of self-denialHow to create a motivating debt pay-off plan that makes you excited about your future, instead of fearing it   My Money My Way will give you the tools to align your emotional health with your financial health—to let go of deprivation and embrace desire. Love’s paradigm-shifting system will teach you how to honor your unique personal values, driving emotions, and particular needs so that you can stop worrying about money and start living a financially fulfilled life.


Die With Zero - Bill Perkins Cover Art

Die With Zero

Die With Zero Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins

A common-sense guide to living rich . . . instead of dying rich Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired.   The only thing you wasted along the way was . . . your life.   Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money—and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called “golden years.”   In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age, Die with Zero will teach you Perkins’s plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you’re fully engaged and enjoying what you’ve worked and saved for.   You’ll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “time-bucketing,” how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve,” and how to navigate decisions about whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure with your “fulfillment curve” and “personal interest rate.”   Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others—and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance—Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.


Taxes For Dummies - Eric Tyson & Margaret A. Munro Cover Art

Taxes For Dummies

Taxes For Dummies 2024 Edition by Eric Tyson & Margaret A. Munro

Cut your tax bill down to size with year-round tips and tricks Taxes For Dummies is the antidote to the annual headache that is the U.S. tax system. This book paves the way for you to file a return that maximizes all the deductions and credits available to you. It also provides insight on making smart financial decisions that help minimize your tax burden. Need to correct or revise a return? You’ll find all the information you need to do it right this time. And, of course the A-word is covered—learn what to do if the IRS shows up on your doorstep to audit your return. This new edition provides updates on the latest changes to the U.S. tax system, so you can sail through this year’s tax season, headache free. Prepare your yearly tax return with confidence Apply sound strategies to reduce your tax bill Discover year-round ways to keep more of your earnings Create a tax-savvy financial plan, with or without the help of an advisor With Taxes For Dummies, anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the U.S. tax filing system can learn what they need to save money and manage taxes throughout the year.


The Secret of Prosperity - Wallace D. Wattles, William Walker Atkinson, P. T. Barnum, Benjamin Franklin, Orison Swett Marden, James Allen, Russell Conwell, Henry Harrison Brown, Thorstein Veblen, Emile Coué, Kahlil Gibran, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolò Machiavelli & Lao Tzu Cover Art

The Secret of Prosperity

The Secret of Prosperity The Greatest Writings on the Art of Becoming Rich, Strong & Successful by Wallace D. Wattles, William Walker Atkinson, P. T. Barnum, Benjamin Franklin, Orison Swett Marden, James Allen, Russell Conwell, Henry Harrison Brown, Thorstein Veblen, Emile Coué, Kahlil Gibran, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolò Machiavelli & Lao Tzu

Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection of the greatest modern guidance books and ancient classics of wisdom. The collection contains the greatest books and guides to financial success, empowerment and personal development. Table of Contents: Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich The Science of Being Well How to Get What you Want William Walker Atkinson: The Secret of Success Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life The Power of Concentration P. T. Barnum: The Art of Money Getting The Humbugs of the World Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography The Way to Wealth Orison Swett Marden: Architects of Fate He Can Who Thinks He Can, and Other Papers on Success in Life How to Succeed Prosperity - How to Attract It James Allen: As a Man Thinketh Eight Pillars of Prosperity From Poverty to Power Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success Russell Conwell: Acres of Diamonds The Key to Success What You Can Do With Your Will Power Praying for Money Henry Harrison Brown: Dollars Want Me Thorstein Veblen: The Theory of Business Enterprise Émile Coué: Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion Kahlil Gibran: The Prophet Marcus Aurelius: Meditations Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching


Baby Steps Millionaires - Dave Ramsey Cover Art

Baby Steps Millionaires

Baby Steps Millionaires How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth-- and How You Can Too by Dave Ramsey

You Can Baby Step Your Way to Becoming a Millionaire Most people know Dave Ramsey as the guy who did stupid with a lot of zeros on the end. He made his first million in his twenties—the wrong way—and then went bankrupt. That’s when he set out to learn God’s ways of managing money and developed the Ramsey Baby Steps. Following these steps, Dave became a millionaire again—this time the right way.  After three decades of guiding millions of others through the plan, the evidence is undeniable: if you follow the Baby Steps, you  will  become a millionaire and get to live and give like no one else. In  Baby Steps Millionaires, you  will . . . Take a deeper look at Baby Step 4 to learn how Dave invests and builds wealth Learn how to bust through the barriers preventing them from becoming a millionaire Hear true stories from ordinary people who dug themselves out of debt and built wealth Discover how anyone can become a millionaire, especially you Baby Steps Millionaires  isn’t a book that tells the secrets of the rich. It doesn't teach complicated financial concepts reserved only for the elite. As a matter of fact, this information is straightforward, practical, and maybe even a little boring. But the life you'll lead if you follow the Baby Steps is anything but boring! You don’t need a large inheritance or the winning lottery number to become a millionaire. Anyone can do it—even today. For those who are ready, it’s game on!


No Worries - Jared Dillian Cover Art

No Worries

No Worries How to live a stress free financial life by Jared Dillian

<i>No Worries</i> shows how anyone can live a stress-free financial life and build wealth for the long term.   This is not about millions of tiny decisions that drain the joy from life, like skipping daily coffee to save a few bucks. And it’s not simply about having more money.   The secret lies in adopting the right attitude to money and getting a small number of big things right.   In his unique style, drawing on decades of expertise, finance expert Jared Dillian tells the truths about essential personal finance topics and helps you to see things as you never have before.   Jared reveals:   -how the right kind of abundance mindset works wonders  -how to purge the urge to splurge (without making life a drag) -the most effective ways to use credit cards that no one tells you about -the smart ways to buy big-ticket items, from houses to cars -what’s gone wrong with student loans and how to use them sensibly -how to ace investing with the set-and-forget Awesome Portfolio.   No matter where you’re at, Jared can help you get your finances in better shape than 99% of other people – so that you can get on with your life as your wealth builds.   Do that and you’ll have no financial stress, and no worries.


The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons - Napoleon Hill Cover Art

The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons

The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill's self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 principles. Each principle marks a chapter of this book, forming a methodology for employing untapped 'mind-power' that leads to success. Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need to know to succeed during these hard economic times. Many of today's best known self-help books take their core concepts form this book. 'The Secret', 'The Power of Positive Thinking', 'The Millionaire Next Door', and 'The Law of Attraction' all take their basic premises from this landmark work. Once you've read this book you will understand what gives certain people an edge over everyone else. By following the advice laid out clearly herein you'll be the one with an edge. It's time to stop wondering what it's like to be rich and start knowing. This book has changed countless lives and it can change yours! Unlike many of the other editions on the market today, this edition is complete and unabridged!


Monday Morning Choices - David Cottrell Cover Art

Monday Morning Choices

Monday Morning Choices 12 Powerful Ways to Go from Everyday to Extraordinary by David Cottrell

Learn to make the right decisions to achieve greater success Each of us has a different idea of success. Whether you strive for money, power, happiness, or love, your personal choices, the actions you take, and the relationships you choose to invest time and energy in, will determine whether you reach your goals. Internationally recognized leadership coach David Cottrell will show you how to make the right choices, even when they’re hard. There are character choices that define the person you will be on the road to success. Cottrell shows you how to make The No-Victim Choice to overcome roadblocks, and The Integrity Choice, to listen to your gut and do the right thing, even when it’s not the easiest thing to do. There are action choices you make to continue on your path to success. The Persistence Choice encourages you to bounce back from failure and learn lessons that will lead to your future success. The Do-Something Choice lets you to stop dreaming and start doing the things that will make you happy and successful. Finally, you make investment choices about the people you spend time with and develop relationships with. The Relationship Choice teaches you to invest your time in other successful people in order to contribute to your own future success. Learn to make all these choices and many more in Monday Morning Choices, and find yourself on the fast track to success!


I Survived Capitalism and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt - Madeline Pendleton Cover Art

I Survived Capitalism and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt

I Survived Capitalism and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt Everything I Wish I Never Had to Learn About Money by Madeline Pendleton

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A big-hearted, no-b******t memoir from the TikTok superstar about her journey from living paycheck to paycheck to creating a multi-million-dollar business that offers a compassionate alternative to capitalism • Includes no-nonsense life and money advice, from negotiating pay and building credit to putting home ownership within reach "Madeline's life is unique yet wildly relatable...Readers will be thoroughly engaged, as every hardship comes with a lesson that Madeline skillfully shares with us. A thought-provoking, mind-tingling reading experience."—Mercury Stardust, the Trans Handy Ma’am and author of Safe and Sound Imagine a job where you work four days a week and earn as much as the CEO. You also get full benefits, a gym membership, free lunch, and unlimited time off, no questions asked. Hard-won profits don’t just end up in the CEO’s pocket—they’re distributed equally among all employees. The company even buys you your very own car. It sounds too good to be true, but this is the reality at Tunnel Vision, the clothing company that Madeline Pendleton built from the ground up. Like so many Americans, Madeline used to struggle to make ends meet. Raised by a punk dad and a goth mom in Fresno, California, she spent her teens intermittently homeless, relying on the kindness and spare couches of the local punk community to get by. By her twenties, she was drowning in student loans and credit card debt, working long hours and sick of her bosses treating her as disposable. Then her boyfriend, struggling with financial stress, died by suicide. Capitalism was literally killing her loved ones—she knew there must be a better way. Madeline decided to study the rules of capitalism, the game everyone is forced to play. She used what she learned to build a new kind of business, one rooted in an ethos of community care. Millennials and Gen Zers like Madeline are facing an unprecedented financial reality: Stagnant wages, skyrocketing housing costs, a student debt crisis. I Survived Capitalism is essential reading for anyone searching for hope and stability in an unjust world.


Personal Finance in Your 20s &amp; 30s For Dummies - Eric Tyson Cover Art

Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies by Eric Tyson

The money lessons you wish you’d learned in school Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies helps Millennials and Zoomers like you make smart financial moves. It’s not as tough as it looks to reduce and file your taxes, pay off your student debt, buy a home, keep a budget to save and invest wisely, or start that side hustle, just to name a few. With a little bit of focus, you can start a clear path to financial freedom and avoid mistakes today. Your future self will thank you. This edition is full of updates for the 2020s; wrap your mind around your investment opportunities, the realities of making a second income, higher ed options for career advancement, and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re in need of financial guidance—and who isn’t?—this is the book you need. Pay off loans, manage your credit, begin the home-buying journey, and more Set realistic money goals so you can create a solid path for financial success Make smart decisions to beef up your bank account and investment portfolio Protect the money you have today and learn how to put your money to work for the future Get ready to turn up the volume on your financial know-how and stop worrying about money!


Riches Within Your Reach - Robert Collier Cover Art

Riches Within Your Reach

Riches Within Your Reach by Robert Collier

Trusted and beloved by readers everywhere for his prosperity classic The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier takes the next step in Riches Within Your Reach! and explains how to harness mental visualization to achieve financial and professional success. "A definite purpose, held on to in the face of every discouragement and failure, in spite of all obstacles and opposition, will win no matter what the odds," wrote Robert Collier. And with faith in your own definite purpose, taught the self-help master, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. In every adversity, there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage, and in each defeat, there is a lesson in how to achieve victory next time. This is the message of Riches Within Your Reach! In 1947, Collier produced Riches Within Your Reach! to assemble his most talked-about works into one simple guide. It features: The God in You (1937); The Magic Word (1940); The Secret of Power (1945); and The Law of Higher Potential (1947). Together, these pioneering works reveal all facets of one powerful secret: Human beings, since the dawn of history, have used the applied principles of mental visualization to achieve their aims. Many of the world's most successful figures -from Napoleon Bonaparte to Benjamin Franklin to Andrew Carnegie-began their lives at a significant disadvantage, without the wealth or health that many of their peers enjoyed. Yet they were able to triumph and succeed in ways that their contemporaries weren't-by tapping into the infinite power of their own minds. Riches Within Your Reach! not only builds upon this teaching but illuminates Collier's most remarkable lesson ever: that each of us has an equal chance to harness the powers within ourselves to succeed, but first, we must learn how to focus our desires.


Breaking Free From Broke - George Kamel Cover Art

Breaking Free From Broke

Breaking Free From Broke The Ultimate Guide to More Money and Less Stress by George Kamel

America has become the land of the free and the home of the broke. Household debt is at an all-time high, and every day people—just like you—are feeling more cynical and hopeless about their financial futures. It’s time to stop believing countless lies from a system designed to take your money—lies like student loans are the golden ticket to a good-paying job, car payments are just part of life, and that you need to have a credit card. Ramsey Personality and personal finance expert George Kamel shares his story of going from a negative net worth to a millionaire in under 10 years by following Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps. George’s delivery, highlighted by his snarky sense of humor, will keep you laughing and engaged from cover to cover (no put-you-to-sleep financial advice here). Through a millennial point of view, George exposes the toxic money system designed to keep you average (and broke) and offers solutions to help you break free from: Credit cards and credit scores Student and car loans Mortgage mistakes Investing traps Marketing and consumerism No matter where you’re starting from, you’ll learn that you have the power to buck the toxic money system and build wealth if you follow the same principles George used to become a millionaire.


Principles - Ray Dalio Cover Art


Principles Life and Work by Ray Dalio

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * 5 MILLION COPIES SOLD “Significant...The book is both instructive and surprisingly moving.” — The New York Times Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique results in both life and business—and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals. In 1975, Ray Dalio founded an investment firm, Bridgewater Associates, out of his two-bedroom apartment in New York City. Forty years later, Bridgewater has made more money for its clients than any other hedge fund in history and grown into the fifth most important private company in the United States, according to Fortune magazine. Dalio himself has been named to Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Along the way, Dalio discovered a set of unique principles that have led to Bridgewater’s exceptionally effective culture, which he describes as “an idea meritocracy that strives to achieve meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical transparency.” It is these principles, and not anything special about Dalio—who grew up an ordinary kid in a middle-class Long Island neighborhood—that he believes are the reason behind his success. In Principles, Dalio shares what he’s learned over the course of his remarkable career. He argues that life, management, economics, and investing can all be systemized into rules and understood like machines. The book’s hundreds of practical lessons, which are built around his cornerstones of “radical truth” and “radical transparency,” include Dalio laying out the most effective ways for individuals and organizations to make decisions, approach challenges, and build strong teams. He also describes the innovative tools the firm uses to bring an idea meritocracy to life, such as creating “baseball cards” for all employees that distill their strengths and weaknesses, and employing computerized decision-making systems to make believability-weighted decisions. While the book brims with novel ideas for organizations and institutions, Principles also offers a clear, straightforward approach to decision-making that Dalio believes anyone can apply, no matter what they’re seeking to achieve. Here, from a man who has been called both “the Steve Jobs of investing” and “the philosopher king of the financial universe” ( CIO magazine), is a rare opportunity to gain proven advice unlike anything you’ll find in the conventional business press.


Rich AF - Vivian Tu Cover Art

Rich AF

Rich AF The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life by Vivian Tu

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From TikTok star and Your (favorite) Rich BFF Vivian Tu, the definitive book on personal finance for a new generation When Vivian Tu started working on Wall Street fresh from undergrad, all she knew was that she was making more money than she had ever seen in her life. But it wasn’t until she found a mentor of her own on the trading floor that she began to understand what wealthy people knew intuitively—the secrets to beating the proverbial financial game that has, for too long, been male, pale, and stale. Building on the lessons she learned on Wall Street about money and the markets, Vivian now offers her best personal finance tips and tricks to readers of all ages and demographics, so that anyone can get rich, whether you grew up knowing the rules to the game or not. Vivian will be your mentor, dispensing fresh, no-BS advice on how to think like a rich person and create smart money habits. Throughout the pages of Rich AF , Vivian will break down her best recommendations to help you: Maximize your earnings to get more out of your 9-to-5Understand the differences between savings accounts, and where you should keep your moneyIdentify the tax strategies and (legal) loopholes you need to retire in styleOvercome investing fears to secure wealth for generationsAnd much more! Rich AF will equip readers with the tools and knowledge to not only understand the financial landscape, but to build a financial strategy of their own. And with Your Rich BFF at your side, you’ll be able to start your financial journey already in an affluent mindset, making the most of your money and growing your wealth for years to come.


The Wall Street Journal Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse - James Altucher &amp; Douglas R. Sease Cover Art

The Wall Street Journal Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse

The Wall Street Journal Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse Make Money by Seeing Opportunity Where Others See Peril by James Altucher & Douglas R. Sease

Disasters happen every day. Are your investments prepared? The investor who knows how to anticipate historically significant or earth-shattering events—who is prepared to act when others are frozen with fear—will always have a substantial advantage. By closely analyzing potential global threats and the opportunities they present, The Wall Street Journal Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse offers investors the key to finding a silver lining in almost any cataclysm. Even if the catastrophic does not occur, the strategies here can pay huge dividends even under more mundane circumstances. The Wall Street Journal Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse provides readers with valuable information for investment success: the ability to see opportunity where others see peril. Whether a global disaster is natural or man-made, environmental or financial, every fearsome scenario contains the seeds of profit for the investor who stays calm and thinks rather than panics and runs.


Talk Money to Me - Jason Tartick Cover Art

Talk Money to Me

Talk Money to Me The 8 Essential Financial Questions to Discuss With Your Partner by Jason Tartick

Money is one of the leading causes of divorce, tension in relationships, and decreased intimacy. For a healthy relationship, how you manage and discuss your finances is equally as important as emotional compatibility. But many cohabitating Americans feel uncomfortable discussing finances with their partner. . .or they don't know where to start. In this practical, cards-on-the-table follow-up to his Wall Street Journal bestselling book The Restart Roadmap, host of the Trading Secrets podcast Jason Tartick will teach you the eight numbers you need to discuss with your partner, why they’re so important for romantic compatibility, and how to actually talk about money. From investing and managing cash flows, to emergency funds and credit scores, Tartick will help you gain a comprehensive view of you and your partner’s financial compatibility by talking you through how to: Get comfortable starting the money conversations with your partner and loved ones.Learn the most important financial tricks, tactics, and technology to improve money habits.Calculate and manage the eight figures that will critically impact your financial wellbeing.Create independent and joint spending, saving, and investing strategies as a team.Understand the potential repercussions of financial infidelity and deception. Net worth is not self-worth. Whether you're making six figures or deep in debt, being open about your finances and coming up with a plan of action together is the best way to ensure a healthy, lasting relationship. The only way to find out if you and your partner are a match is to talk about money.


Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money - Dave Ramsey Cover Art

Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money

Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey

If you’re looking for practical information to answer all your “How?” “What?” and “Why?” questions about money, this book is for you. Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money covers the A to Z of Dave’s money teaching, including how to budget, save, dump debt, and invest. You’ll also learn all about insurance, mortgage options, marketing, bargain hunting and the most important element of all―giving. This is the old handbook of Financial Peace University. If you’ve already been through Dave’s nine-week class, you won’t find much new information in this book. This book collects a lot of what he’s been teaching in FPU classes for 20 years, so if you’ve been through class, you’ve already heard it! It also covers the Baby Steps Dave wrote about in The Total Money Makeover , and trust us―the Baby Steps haven’t changed a bit. So if you’ve already memorized everything Dave’s ever said about money, you probably don’t need this book. But if you’re new to this stuff or just want the all-in-one resource for your bookshelf, this is it!


The Millionaire Mind - Thomas J. Stanley Cover Art

The Millionaire Mind

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley

The New York Times bestseller that gives “readers with an entrepreneurial turn of mind . . . road maps on how millionaires found their niches” ( USA Today ).   The author of the blockbuster bestseller The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy shows how self-made millionaires have surmounted shortcomings such as average intelligence by carefully choosing their careers, taking calculated risks, and living balanced lifestyles while maintaining their integrity. Dr. Thomas J. Stanley also builds on his research from The Millionaire Next Door and takes us further into the psyche of the American millionaire.   Stanley focuses in on the top one percent of households in America and tells us the motor behind the engine; what makes them tick. His findings on how these families reached such financial success are based on in-depth surveys and interviews with more than thirteen hundred millionaires.   “A very good book that deserves to be well read.” — The Wall Street Journal   “Worth every cent . . . It’s an inspiration for anyone who has ever been told that he wasn’t smart enough or good enough.” —Associated Press   “A high IQ isn’t necessarily an indicator of financial success . . . Stanley tells us that the typical millionaire had an average GPA and frugal spending habits—but good interpersonal skills.” — Entertainment Weekly   “Ideas bigger than the next buck.” — Orlando Sentinel


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change - Stephen R. Covey Cover Art

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity--principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change By Goodreads 4.06 Rating details    356,668 Ratings     6,711 Reviews


One Up on Wall Street - Peter Lynch &amp; John Rothchild Cover Art

One Up on Wall Street

One Up on Wall Street How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money in the Market by Peter Lynch & John Rothchild

A legendary mutual-fund manager explores the advantages average investors have over professionals and how they can use them to achieve financial success. America’s most successful money manager tells how average investors can beat the pros by using what they know. According to Lynch, investment opportunities are everywhere. From the supermarket to the workplace, we encounter products and services all day long. By paying attention to the best ones, we can find companies in which to invest before the professional analysts discover them. When investors get in early, they can find the “tenbaggers,” the stocks that appreciate tenfold from the initial investment. A few tenbaggers will turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer. Lynch offers easy-to-follow advice for sorting out the long shots from the no-shots by reviewing a company’s financial statements and knowing which numbers really count. He offers guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies. As long as you invest for the long term, Lynch says, your portfolio can reward you. This timeless advice has made One Up on Wall Street a #1 bestseller and a classic book of investment know-how.


How to Make Money in Stocks:  A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition - William O'Neil Cover Art

How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition

How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition by William O'Neil

A BUSINESSWEEK BESTSELLER! Anyone can learn to invest wisely with this bestselling investment system! Through every type of market, William J. O’Neil’s national bestseller, How to MakeMoney in Stocks , has shown over 2 million investors the secrets to building wealth.O’Neil’s powerful CAN SLIM® Investing System—a proven 7-step process for minimizingrisk and maximizing gains—has influenced generations of investors. Based on a major study of market winners from 1880 to 2009, this expandededition gives you: Proven techniques for finding winning stocks before they make big price gainsTips on picking the best stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs to maximize your gains100 new charts to help you spot today’s most profitable trends PLUS strategies to help you avoid the 21 mostcommon investor mistakes! “I dedicated the 2004 Stock Trader’s Almanac to Bill O’Neil: ‘His foresight,innovation, and disciplined approach to stock market investing will influenceinvestors and traders for generations to come.’” —Yale Hirsch, publisher and editor, Stock Trader’s Almanac andauthor of Let’s Change the World Inc. “ Investor’s Business Daily has provided a quarter-century of great financialjournalism and investing strategies.” —David Callaway, editor-in-chief, MarketWatch “ How to Make Money in Stocks is a classic. Any investor serious about makingmoney in the market ought to read it.” —Larry Kudlow, host, CNBC’s "The Kudlow Report"


Debt-Free Forever - Gail Vaz-Oxlade Cover Art

Debt-Free Forever

Debt-Free Forever Take Control of Your Money and Your Life by Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Free yourself from maxed-out cards, mounting interest, and constant money stress with this “entertaining and easy to read” guide ( Windsor Star ). If you’re afraid to open your bills, if you’ve never added up how much you owe, if you can’t even imagine being debt-free—it’s time to join the thousands of people Gail Vaz-Oxlade has helped. Her straightforward approach to money management is based on self-control, hard work, and prioritizing what’s really important.  Debt-Free Forever  is Gail’s step-by-step guide, and she’ll show you how to: figure out how much you’ve actually been spendingcalculate how much you owe—and what it’s costing youbuild a budget that worksmaximize your debt repayments so you can be free of consumer debt in three years or lessprepare for a rainy day so it doesn’t cause a major setbackset goals for your new, debt-free life Make no mistake: Getting out of debt isn’t easy. But in  Debt-Free Forever , Gail gives you a clear strategy and the steps needed to implement it. So if you’re finished with excuses, overdue notices, and maxed-out credit cards, follow the plan—and start becoming debt-free forever.


Easy Money - Gail Vaz-Oxlade Cover Art

Easy Money

Easy Money by Gail Vaz-Oxlade

Wish you could find a money book that doesn’t make your eyes glaze over? Easy Money is for you. Gail knows you work hard for your money, so in her usual honest and practical style she will show you how to make your money work for you. Budgeting, saving, and getting your debt paid off have never been so easy to understand or to do. Follow Gail’s plan and take control of your money. This book is a quick and easy read for people on the go.


Tax-Free Wealth - Tom Wheelwright CPA Cover Art

Tax-Free Wealth

Tax-Free Wealth How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes by Tom Wheelwright CPA

Tax-Free Wealth: How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes (Third Edition) by Tom Wheelwright® is a comprehensive guide that unveils strategic approaches to minimizing tax liabilities and accumulating significant wealth. As an acclaimed CPA and World-Renowned Expert on Tax, Wheelwright revisits and updates his groundbreaking work where readers are introduced to a wealth-building philosophy that revolves around using the tax code as a roadmap to building wealth in a way that makes taxes fun, easy, and understandable. In this revised and updated edition, Wheelwright incorporates the latest tax reforms and strategies to help individuals and businesses maximize their tax savings to achieve a tax-free life. Wheelwright emphasizes the importance of proactive tax planning and dispels common misconceptions about taxes, giving readers the tools to transform their mindset and approach to wealth creation. The book covers various topics, including tax deductions, credits, and incentives, that provide readers with a roadmap to maximize wealth and reach their dreams. Wheelwright also addresses the impact of recent tax law changes, ensuring that readers are equipped with up-to-date information to navigate the evolving landscape of taxation. From real estate investments to entrepreneurship, Tax-Free Wealth explores various avenues through which individuals and businesses can legally minimize their tax burdens, ultimately leading to increased profitability and financial freedom. Packed with practical examples, case studies, and actionable strategies, the third edition of Tax-Free Wealth is a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to build and preserve wealth while minimizing tax obligations. Whether you're a seasoned investor, business owner, or someone just starting on the path to financial success, Wheelwright's insights provide a roadmap for achieving tax-free wealth and securing a brighter financial future. For more information and resources, visit the official Tax-Free Wealth website:


Thou Shall Prosper - Rabbi Daniel Lapin Cover Art

Thou Shall Prosper

Thou Shall Prosper Ten Commandments for Making Money by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

A practical approach to creating wealth-based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom-made accessible to people of all backgrounds The ups and downs of the economy prove Rabbi Daniel Lapin's famous principle that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon the things that never change. There's no better source for both practical and spiritual financial wisdom than the time-tested knowledge found in the ancient Jewish faith and its culture. In the Second Edition of Thou Shall Prosper, Lapin offers a practical approach to creating wealth based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom. This book details the ten permanent principles that never change, the ten commandments of making money if you will, and explores the economic and philosophic vision of business that has been part of Jewish culture for centuries. The book's focus is on making accessible to individuals of all backgrounds, the timeless truths that Jews have used for centuries to excel in business. Outlines ten fundamental "commandments" relating to business and money Includes insights that will increase your potential for creating wealth, no matter what your faith or background may be Blends contemporary business stories and Lapin's own business experiences with the wisdom of the Torah and Talmudic prescriptions This Second Edition provides new examples, especially of Internet related business opportunities. In addition, each chapter highlights specific action steps that can lead to wealth opportunities in both difficult economic times and periods of prosperity.


The Holy Grail of Investing - Tony Robbins Cover Art

The Holy Grail of Investing

The Holy Grail of Investing The World's Greatest Investors Reveal Their Ultimate Strategies for Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Tony Robbins returns with the final book in his financial freedom trilogy by unveiling the power of alternative investments. Robbins, and renowned investor Christopher Zook, take you on a journey to interview a dozen of the world’s most successful investors in private equity, private credit, private real estate, and venture capital. They share their favorite strategies and insights in this practical guidebook. For decades, trillions of dollars in “smart money” has been making outsized returns using private equity, private credit, venture capital and other alternative investments. Robbins teams up with renowned private equity investor Christopher Zook, founder of CAZ Investments, to sit down with more than a dozen of the world’s greatest alternative investment managers, collectively managing over half a trillion dollars on behalf of investors. Names like… Robert F. Smith – Founder of Vista Equity Partners, Smith is the considered the most successful enterprise software investor of all time. Vinod Khosla – Founder of Khosla Ventures, Vinod Khosla is considered a legend in Venture Capital. He is famous for turning a $4 million investment into a $7 billion windfall for his investors. Michael B. Kim – The “Godfather of Private Equity” in Asia, Kim has created the largest private equity firm in Asia. His astounding success for investors has also made him South Korea’s wealthiest man. And many more! In The Holy Grail of Investing , you’ll discover: -How to take advantage of the trillions flowing into private equity by becoming an owner of firms that actually manage the assets and share in the revenue they generate -How to take advantage of the two to three times higher returns of private credit as an alternative (or compliment) to bonds -How new rule changes allow individual investors to own a piece of the major professional sports teams (MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS) and benefit from this fanatically driven asset class -How to invest in the energy evolution and ride the wave of trillions in global investments -How investments in private real estate can work as an inflationary hedge and source of tax efficient income -How many of the world’s greatest investors thrive in good times and bad


Broke Millennial - Erin Lowry Cover Art

Broke Millennial

Broke Millennial Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry

WASHINGTON POST “COLOR OF MONEY” BOOK CLUB PICK Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Get Your Financial Life Together (#GYFLT)!   If you’re a cash-strapped 20- or 30-something, it’s easy to get freaked out by finances. But you’re not doomed to spend your life drowning in debt or mystified by money. It’s time to stop scraping by and take control of your money and your life with this savvy and smart guide. Broke Millennial shows step-by-step how to go from flat-broke to financial badass. Unlike most personal finance books out there, it doesn’t just cover boring stuff like credit card debt, investing, and dealing with the dreaded “B” word (budgeting). Financial expert Erin Lowry goes beyond the basics to tackle tricky money matters and situations most of us face #IRL, including:   - Understanding your relationship with moolah: do you treat it like a Tinder date or marriage material? - Managing student loans without having a full-on panic attack - What to do when you’re out with your crew and can’t afford to split the bill evenly - How to get “financially naked” with your partner and find out his or her “number” (debt number, of course)  . . . and much more.   Packed with refreshingly simple advice and hilarious true stories, Broke Millennial is the essential roadmap every financially clueless millennial needs to become a money master. So what are you waiting for? Let’s #GYFLT!


The Retirement Miracle - Patrick Kelly Cover Art

The Retirement Miracle

The Retirement Miracle by Patrick Kelly

Patrick Kelly’s newest book, The Retirement Miracle , is another home run for those wanting to win the retirement game.  This book clearly and simply shows you how to: • Grow your money with zero market risk • Access your retirement dollars tax-free • Leave an income-tax-free inheritance to your heirs   In his trademark style of simplicity and humor, Patrick takes the reader on a fun and fascinating journey.  With all new content and all new lessons, this book is the perfect companion to his first national bestseller, Tax-Free Retirement .  


Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method That Will Radically Shift Your Relationship to Money - Erin Skye Kelly Cover Art

Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method That Will Radically Shift Your Relationship to Money

Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method That Will Radically Shift Your Relationship to Money by Erin Skye Kelly

Erin Skye Kelly wrote Get the Hell Out of Debt after her own struggle to become consumer-debt free. She was tired of listening to middle-aged men in suits tell her to consolidate and refinance her debt when all that seemed to happen was she’d end up in more of it while they profited from it. When Kelly figured out the two most important tools to money management—and started achieving massive results—other women wanted to join in on the debt-free journey. With her sense of humor and straight-shooting sensibilities, Erin began transforming lives. This book is not only a step-by-step process that will walk you through how to pay off your debt—it’s a deeply personal journey centered around changing your mindset. As you master each of the three phases through repetition, you will create your own financial freedom, allowing you to live debt-free forever and create wealth and abundance that will positively impact your life—and the people you love and serve. No matter how much consumer debt you carry, this book is a judgment-free zone from cover-to-cover. Your dreams are welcome here.


Cultura and Cash - Giovanna Gonzalez Cover Art

Cultura and Cash

Cultura and Cash Lessons from the First Gen Mentor for Managing Finances and Cultural Expectations by Giovanna Gonzalez

Money Lessons from the First Gen Mentor Cultura and Cash is a practical and jargon-free money guide to help you tackle your finances as a First Gen Latina. In this valuable book, The First Gen Mentor, Giovanna “Gigi” Gonzalez, uncovers cultural and systemic barriers First Gen face in their financial journey and provides actionable solutions on how to overcome them. Through storytelling and real-life examples, she’ll go into depth and explain best practices for creating a solid financial foundation through emergency funds, credit building, budgeting, debt payoff, and investing. This book will improve your money mindset and give you the information you need to create financial success on your terms with family in mind. You will learn how to balance family expectations while prioritizing your own financial wellness and that money does not control you and limit you. Instead, it’s a powerful self-care tool you use to your advantage to support you and those you care about. Read this book and you will be empowered to take action and start designing a life you love.


Love Your Life Not Theirs - Rachel Cruze Cover Art

Love Your Life Not Theirs

Love Your Life Not Theirs 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want by Rachel Cruze

In  Love Your Life, Not Theirs,  Rachel Cruze shines a spotlight on the most damaging money habit we have: comparing ourselves to others. Then she unpacks seven essential money habits for living the life we really want--a life in line with our values, where we can afford the things we want to buy without being buried under debt, stress, and worry. The Joneses are broke.  Life looks good, but hidden beneath that glossy exterior are credit card bills, student loans, car payments, and an out-of-control mortgage. Their money situation is a mess, and they're trying to live a life they simply can't afford. So why exactly do we try so hard to keep up with the Joneses? Are we really living the lives we want, or are we chasing someone else's dream, just trying to keep up appearances on social media, at church, and in our community? Why are we letting other people set the pace for our own family's finances? In  Love Your Life, Not Theirs , Rachel shows you how to buy and do the things that are important to you--the right way. That starts by choosing to quit the comparisons, reframing the way you think about money, and developing new habits like avoiding debt, living on a plan, watching your spending, saving for the future, having healthy conversations about money, and giving. These habits work, and Rachel is living proof. Now, she wants to empower you to live the life you've always dreamed of without creating the debt, stress, and worry that are all too often part of the deal.  Social media isn't real life, and trying to keep up with the Joneses will never get you anywhere. It's time to live--and love-- your  life, not theirs.


Know Yourself, Know Your Money - Rachel Cruze Cover Art

Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Know Yourself, Know Your Money Discover WHY you handle money the way you do, what WHAT to do about it! by Rachel Cruze

When it comes to money, it pays to know yourself. This is NOT just another money book. Personal finance expert Rachel Cruze brings an all-new approach to the traditional money rules, and it all starts with your mindset. Go beyond the Ramsey Baby Steps and get to the root of all of your decisions—your mind, your behaviors, and your beliefs— so you can change your money mindset for good. You may already know how to make the right money decisions, BUT you probably still find yourself slipping into impulse purchases, dipping into savings, disagreeing on your budget with your spouse, and wondering “Why did I do that?!” If so, this book is for YOU. Rachel Cruze explains the psychology, strengths, and challenges that come with each of her brand-new Seven Money Tendencies: Saver  or  Spender Nerd  or  Free Spirit Experiences  or  Things Quality  or  Quantity Safety  or  Status Abundance  or  Scarcity Planned Giving  or  Spontaneous Giving   Along with discovering where you land on the scale of Seven Money Tendencies, this book also introduces new ways to understand how your parents, your fears, and your beliefs impact your money mindset. You’ll learn: • Which of the Four Childhood Money Classrooms shaped your personality • How the Six Core Money Fears can drive your most common money mistakes • Why you handle money the way you do, and what to do about it You DON’T have to white-knuckle your way toward financial freedom. This book will show you how to make taking control of your money so much easier (and fun).


Rich Dad's Prophecy - Robert T. Kiyosaki Cover Art

Rich Dad's Prophecy

Rich Dad's Prophecy Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming...And How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It! by Robert T. Kiyosaki

The rich know that times of greatest crisis are often the greatest opportunities to acquire wealth. In this book Robert Kiyosaki teaches how to build your financial ark to navigate turbulent economic waters. In hindsight, the title itself seems "prophetic," as the insights and predictions in this book have played out on the world stage over the past years. Rich Dad's Prophecy will open your eyes to the issues that are affecting the retirement plans of baby boomers as well as the financial futures of their children and grandchildren.


Personal Finance For Dummies - Eric Tyson Cover Art

Personal Finance For Dummies

Personal Finance For Dummies by Eric Tyson

Sound personal money management advice with insights for today’s world Personal Finance For Dummies has been tackling financial literacy for 30 years. This tenth edition continues to share the sound advice that’s helped millions of readers become financially literate while demystifying the money matters of the current era. Get familiar with the financial pillars of earning, saving, investing, borrowing, budgeting, and protecting your assets. Dig into modern concerns like navigating the housing market, weathering the highs and lows of an unpredictable market, evaluating new stuff like cryptocurrency, and budgeting to achieve your financial goals. Take the anxiety out of money matters by building a solid financial plan, learning to spend and invest wisely, and managing your debt. Follow the advice that's helped readers for three decades! Become financially literate so you can minimize debt and set realistic goals Learn the basics of investing and start making smart investment choices Demystify insurance so you can protect your health and your assets Control your spending and build better budgets so you can afford the big stuff Personal Finance For Dummies offers sound advice for all ages and levels of personal money management. It’s never too early or too late to start making sense of your finances.


How I Invest My Money - Joshua Brown &amp; Brian Portnoy Cover Art

How I Invest My Money

How I Invest My Money Finance experts reveal how they save, spend, and invest by Joshua Brown & Brian Portnoy

The world of investing normally sees experts telling us the 'right' way to manage our money. How often do these experts pull back the curtain and tell us how they invest their own money? Never.  How I Invest My Money changes that.  In this unprecedented collection, 25 financial experts share how they navigate markets with their own capital. In this honest rendering of how they invest, save, spend, give, and borrow, this group of portfolio managers, financial advisors, venture capitalists and other experts detail the 'how' and the 'why' of their investments. They share stories about their childhood, their families, the struggles they face and the aspirations they hold. Sometimes raw, always revealing, these stories detail the indelible relationship between our money and our values.  Taken as a whole, these essays powerfully demonstrate that there is no single 'right' way to save, spend, and invest. We see a kaleidoscope of perspectives on stocks, bonds, real assets, funds, charity, and other means of achieving the life one desires. With engaging illustrations throughout by Carl Richards, How I Invest My Money inspires readers to think creatively about their financial decisions and how money figures in the broader quest for a contented life. With contributions from: Morgan Housel, Christine Benz, Brian Portnoy, Joshua Brown, Bob Seawright, Carolyn McClanahan, Tyrone Ross, Dasarte Yarnway, Nina O'Neal, Debbie Freeman, Shirl Penney, Ted Seides, Ashby Daniels, Blair duQuesnay, Leighann Miko, Perth Tolle, Josh Rogers, Jenny Harrington, Mike Underhill, Dan Egan, Howard Lindzon, Ryan Krueger, Lazetta Rainey Braxton, Rita Cheng, Alex Chalekian


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