Chairs turned during the blinds:
Current Status: Was named the winner of The Voice for season 10.
Below you will find a list of all the songs that Alisan has performed on the voice as well as an iTunes chart showing how her songs are currently performing.
When a song has a light green background, on the chart below, it means that song is currently in the top ten on the overall iTunes chart.
Buy You've Got a Friend on iTunes
Result: Alisan advanced to the Finals.
"Desperado" was in the top 10 (#3) on the overall itunes chart at the end of voting so the iTunes downloads were multiplied by ten.
Result: Alisan advanced to the top 8.
Result: Alisan advanced to the top 9.
"Let Him Fly" was in the top 10 (#6) on the overall itunes chart at the end of voting so the iTunes downloads were multiplied by ten.
Result: Alisan advanced to the top 10.
Result: Alisan advanced to the top 11.
"Stone Cold" was in the top 10 (#9) on the overall itunes chart at the end of voting so the iTunes downloads were multiplied by ten.
Result: Alisan advanced to the top 12.
Knockout Results: Alisan defeated Daniel Passino and advanced to the Live Playoffs.
Alisan defeated Lacy Mandigo in the Battle Round and advanced to the Knockouts.
Result: Alisan turned four chairs and chose Christina as her coach.
Visit the iTunes The Voice chart to see the current top ranked songs from The Voice
Currently Alisan Porter has no songs that are charting on the iTunes Top 200. Visit iTunes' official The Voice page to see all the singles from the current season.