List of songs performed on season 14 of the Voice. View the iTunes chart of the current top selling songs on the Voice.
Results: Where You Come From by Britton Buchanan (#1), Walk My Way by Brynn Cartelli (#3), Old Soul by Spensha Baker (#4), Skyfall by Brynn Cartelli (#6), and The Last Tear by Kyla Jade (#9) were in the top 10 on iTunes at the close of voting and earned the 5x iTunes multiplier.
Britton Buchanan - Team Alicia
Kyla Jade - Team Blake
Spensha Baker - Team Blake
Brynn Cartelli - Team Kelly
Results: Let It Be by Kyla Jade (#2), The Rising by Britton Buchanan (#3), What the World Needs Now Is Love by Brynn Cartelli (#4), It Is Well With My Soul by Kaleb Lee (#6), Change the World by Pryor Baird (#7), and My Church by Spensha Baker (#10) were in the top 10 on iTunes at the close of voting and earned the 5x iTunes multiplier. Spensha Baker, Brynn Cartelli, Kyla Jade, and Britton Buchanan all advanced to the Finals. Britton won the Instant save over Kaleb Lee and Pryor Baird to advance. Rayshun LaMarr and Jackie Foster finished in the bottom two of voting.
Team Adam
Results: This Is Me by Kyla Jade (#5), Fix You by Brynn Cartelli (#8), What's Love Got To Do With It by Britton Buchanan (#9), and My Town by Pryor Baird (#10) were in the top 10 on iTunes at the close of voting and earned the 5x iTunes multiplier. Christiana Danielle, Jackie Verna, and Rayshun LaMarr finished in the bottom three of voting. Rayshun won the Instant Save and advanced to the top 8 Semifinals
Results: Night Moves by Pryor Baird (#4) and Perfect by Britton Buchanan (#6) were in the top 10 on iTunes at the close of voting and earned the 5x iTunes multiplier. Sharane Calister and Christiana Danielle finished in the bottom two of the voting, Christiana Danielle won the Instant Save and advanced to the Top 10.
Team Adam
Team Blake
Results: D.R. King and Rayshun LaMarr finished in the bottom two of the voting, Rayshun LaMarr won the Instant Save and advanced to the Top 11.
Team Adam
Team Blake
Team Adam
Team Blake
Team Adam
Team Kelly
Team Adam
Team Alicia
Team Blake
Team Kelly
Team Adam
Team Alicia
Team Blake
Team Kelly
Team Adam
Team Blake
Team Blake