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Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I - Alejandro Reyes Cover Art

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I Parts, Assemblies, Drawings, PhotoView 360 and SimulationXpress by Alejandro Reyes

• Designed to teach new users the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques • Uses a task oriented approach to learning SOLIDWORKS • Focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part, instead of individual commands • Covers commands found on the CSWA exam and includes a practice test • This edition features expanded content covering the CSWA exam This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface, basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book, you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling, assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part, instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations, which are generally simple enough to learn. Throughout this book the author introduces you to new commands that are required to pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate exam, as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. A dedicated chapter provides you with details about the exam, as well as a practice test to help you prepare for the actual exam. SOLIDWORKS is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options, which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Table of Contents       Introduction 1.   The SOLIDWORKS Interface 2.   Part Modeling 3.   Special Features: Sweep, Loft and Wrap 4.   Detail Drawing 5.   Assembly Modeling 6.   Assembly and Design Table Drawings 7.   Animation and Rendering 8.   Analysis: SimulationXpress 9.   CSWA: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Practice Test 10. Collaboration: eDrawings       Appendix       Index


Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2024 - Level I - Alejandro Reyes Cover Art

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2024 - Level I

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2024 - Level I Parts, Assemblies, Drawings, SOLIDWORKS Visualize and SimulationXpress by Alejandro Reyes

• Designed to teach new users the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques • Uses a task oriented approach to learning SOLIDWORKS • Focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part, instead of individual commands • Covers commands found on the CSWA exam and includes a practice test This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface, basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book, you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling, assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part, instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations, which are generally simple enough to learn. Throughout this book the author introduces you to new commands that are required to pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate exam, as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. A dedicated chapter provides you with details about the exam, as well as a practice test to help you prepare for the actual exam. SOLIDWORKS is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options, which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Table of Contents      Introduction 1.   The SOLIDWORKS Interface 2.   Part Modeling 3.   Special Features: Sweep, Loft and Wrap 4.   Detail Drawing 5.   Assembly Modeling 6.   Assembly and Design Table Drawings 7.   Animation and Rendering 8.   Analysis: SimulationXpress 9.   CSWA: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Practice Test 10. Collaboration: eDrawings      Appendix      Index


Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 - Daniel John Stine Cover Art

Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025

Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 by Daniel John Stine

• Starts at an introductory level • Project based tutorials design an office building from start to finish Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 is designed for the architectural student using Revit 2025. The intent is to provide you with a well-rounded knowledge of tools and techniques for use in both school and industry. This text takes a project-based approach to learning Revit's architectural tools in which you develop a three story office building. General building codes and industry standard conventions are covered in a way that is applicable to the current exercise. The first two chapters are intended to get you familiar with the user interface and many of the common menus and tools of Revit 2025. A small office is created in chapter two to show you just how easy it is to get started using Autodesk Revit. By the end of chapter two you will be excited and prepared to take on a much larger project. Throughout the rest of the book you develop a three story office building. The drawings start with the floor plans and develop all the way to photo-realistic renderings like the one on the cover of this book. In these chapters many of the architectural tools and features of Revit 2025 are covered in greater detail. Table of Contents 1.   Getting Started with Autodesk Revit 2025 2.   Quick Start: Small Office 3.   Floor Plan (First Floor) 4.   Floor Plans (Second & Third Floors) 5.   Vertical Circulation 6.   Roof 7.   Floor Systems & Reflected Ceiling Plans 8.   Interior & Exterior Elevations 9.   Annotation 10. Sections & Details 11. Interior Design 12. Schedules 13. Site and Rendering 14. Construction Documents Set      Index


Parametric Modeling with Creo Parametric 11.0 - Randy H. Shih Cover Art

Parametric Modeling with Creo Parametric 11.0

Parametric Modeling with Creo Parametric 11.0 An Introduction to Creo Parametric 11.0 by Randy H. Shih

• Covers solid modeling and parametric modeling with Creo Parametric 11.0 • Guides you from creating basic shapes to building intelligent solid models and multi-view drawings • Uses a hands-on, exercise intensive, tutorial style approach • Includes coverage of Creo Animation, advanced assembly modeling, and sheet metal design • Contains a chapter on 3D printing The primary goal of Parametric Modeling with Creo Parametric 11.0 is to introduce the aspects of Solid Modeling and Parametric Modeling. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for any student or professional wanting to learn to use Creo Parametric. This text covers Creo Parametric and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to building intelligent solid models and creating multi-view drawings. This text takes a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important Parametric Modeling techniques and concepts. This textbook contains a series of 13 tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to Creo Parametric. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using Creo Parametric, the better you learn the software. With this in mind, each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts, building on previous lessons. This book will provide you with a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. This book also introduces you to the general principles of 3D printing including a brief history of 3D printing, the types of 3D printing technologies, commonly used filaments, and the basic procedure for printing a 3D model. 3D printing makes it easier than ever for anyone to start turning their designs into physical objects and by the end of this book you will be ready to start printing out your own designs. Table of Contents      Introduction 1.   Parametric Modeling Fundamentals 2.   Constructive Solid Geometry Concepts 3.   Model History Tree 4.   Constraints and Parametric Relations 5.   Parent/Child Relationships 6.   Datum Features, 3D Annotation, and Part Drawings 7.   Introduction to 3D Printing 8.   Symmetrical Features in Designs 9.   Three Dimensional Construction Tools 10. Basic Sheet Metal Designs 11. Advanced Modeling Tools 12. Assembly Modeling - Putting It All Together 13. Advanced Assembly Modeling and Animation      Appendix      Index


Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 - David C. Planchard Cover Art

Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024

Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 A Step-by-Step Project Based Approach Utilizing 3D Solid Modeling by David C. Planchard

• A comprehensive introduction to SOLIDWORKS using tutorial style, step-by-step instructions • Designed for beginning or intermediate SOLIDWORKS users • Learn to create parts and assemblies using machined, plastic and sheet metal components • Also covers Simulation, Sustainability, and Intelligent Modeling techniques • This edition features a new chapter on SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform Are you looking to learn SOLIDWORKS? As luck would have it, you have found the perfect SOLIDWORKS resource for students, designers, engineers and professionals alike! Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 provides a solid foundation in SOLIDWORKS by using projects with step-by-step instructions that are perfect for both beginners and intermediate users. Each project begins with desired outcomes and usage competencies, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll learn and how to apply it. Projects build your skills incrementally. Throughout the book you’ll learn to create machined, plastic, and sheet metal components, explore the SOLIDWORKS user interface, CommandManager, and document and system properties. You’ll discover how to design simple and complex parts and assemblies with proper design intent. You’ll also explore how to use the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox and symmetry, patterns and configurations to edit and reuse features and parts like the pros do. And that’s just the first six projects! Next, you’ll investigate top-down assembly modeling, develop components in-context with InPlace Mates, convert a solid part into sheet metal and insert and apply sheet metal features. With projects 8 and 9, you’ll learn how to apply intelligent modeling techniques to a sketch, feature, or any SOLIDWORKS creation. Prepare for the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Associate – Finite Element Analysis (CSWSA-FEA) exam with an overview of SOLIDWORKS Simulation, important concepts, and practice exam questions. You will be delighted to find this is not just a dry technical manual. The realistic project scenarios were created with the author’s industry expertise and input of engineers, department managers, vendors and manufacturers who use SOLIDWORKS every day. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career or simply want to expand your knowledge of SOLIDWORKS, Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 is the ideal resource for you. Table of Contents      Introduction 1.   Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface 2.   Fundamentals of Part Modeling 3.   Fundamentals of Assembly Modeling 4.   Fundamentals of Drawing 5.   Extrude and Revolve Features 6.   Swept, Lofted and Additional Features 7.   Top Down Assembly Modeling and Sheet Metal Parts 8.   SOLIDWORKS Simulation 9.   SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform      Appendix      Glossary      Index


Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2024 - Alejandro Reyes, Ronald E. Barr, Davor Juricic & Thomas J. Krueger Cover Art

Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2024

Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2024 Design, Detailing, Assembly & Analysis Basics by Alejandro Reyes, Ronald E. Barr, Davor Juricic & Thomas J. Krueger

• An exercise-based workbook using step-by-step tutorials teaches you to use SOLIDWORKS 2024 • Designed for use in undergraduate engineering and pre-college courses • Covers modeling, finite element analysis, assembly modeling, kinematic simulation, rapid prototyping and projecting engineering drawings • Incorporates the principles of engineering graphics into lessons Revised and refreshed for SOLIDWORKS 2024, Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2024 is an exercise-based book that guides you through a series of easy to understand, step-by-step tutorials that cover basic SOLIDWORKS commands. The 2024 edition includes updated SOLIDWORKS processes and methods to create models more efficiently than ever before. The intended audience is undergraduate engineering majors, but it can also be used in pre-college engineering courses. The engaging and straightforward lab exercises in this workbook are also ideal for self-learners. The text takes an educational approach where you learn through repetition, starting with simple models, and introducing more complex models and commands as the book progresses, leading you to create assemblies, make Finite Element Analyses, detail manufacturing drawings, complete dynamic simulations, and learn the basics of rapid prototyping. The principles of engineering graphics are also incorporated into the lessons throughout the text. The commands and functions learned throughout this book will help a new user understand their use, how to apply them in different situations, and design ever more complex components. Table of Contents      Design Workbook Labs: 1.   Basic 2D Sketching 2.   Advanced 2D Sketching 3.   3D Modeling Part I 4.   3D Modeling Part II 5.   Assembly Modeling 6.   Part Evaluation and Configurations 7.   Static Stress and Thermal Analysis 8.   Animation, Detailing and Rapid Prototyping 9.   Section Views in 2D and 3D 10. Manufacturing Detail Drawings      Appendix A: Drawing Sheet Template


The Art of Moving Points - Brian Tindall Cover Art

The Art of Moving Points

The Art of Moving Points Facial Articulation by Brian Tindall

The “Art of Moving Points” is designed for the intermediate to advanced Character Rigger or Character Modeler that wants to learn a different approach to character facial articulation using point weight containers , and assigning them to deformers to move points in space.  The “Art of Moving Points” is also an excellent source for Character Modelers who are designing character facial meshes for production.  Character facial articulation is extremely challenging, and The “Art of Moving Points” breaks down the modeling and articulation process using three formats: text, illustrations and videos.


GarageBand 11 - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

GarageBand 11 - How It Works

GarageBand 11 - How It Works A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This is the only interactive multi-touch eBook available for the application GarageBand 11 v6.05 " GarageBand 11 - How It Works " from the GEM series (Graphically Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's popular music production application "GarageBand" with rich illustrations and diagrams that are not found in any other manual. This 336 pages interactive Multi-Touch eBook (with an extensive Glossary) presents this software application in great detail with that easy to understand, visual approach known from other books from the best-selling GEM series. "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - fform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 of pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand.


iMovie Tips & Tricks - Imagine Publishing Cover Art

iMovie Tips & Tricks

iMovie Tips & Tricks The essential guide to editing movies on our Mac by Imagine Publishing

Bringing you everything you need to know about iMovie, this is the perfect tool for anyone who likes to get creative on their Mac. With in-depth features and step-by-step guides, iMovie Tips & Tricks will help you unlock the potential of your Mac. Written by experts for readers dedicated to getting the most from their products, Tips & Tricks is a series that provides world-beating advice to experienced consumers, offering a variety of intermediate to advanced tutorials and stylish, cutting-edge features. In-depth yet accessible, the Tips & Tricks series offers a comprehensive solution unlike any other. Part of the iLife Tips & Tricks family.


A Biography of the Pixel - Alvy Ray Smith Cover Art

A Biography of the Pixel

A Biography of the Pixel by Alvy Ray Smith

The pixel as the organizing principle of all pictures, from cave paintings to Toy Story . The Great Digital Convergence of all media types into one universal digital medium occurred, with little fanfare, at the recent turn of the millennium. The bit became the universal medium, and the pixel--a particular packaging of bits--conquered the world. Henceforward, nearly every picture in the world would be composed of pixels--cell phone pictures, app interfaces, Mars Rover transmissions, book illustrations, videogames. In A Biography of the Pixel , Pixar cofounder Alvy Ray Smith argues that the pixel is the organizing principle of most modern media, and he presents a few simple but profound ideas that unify the dazzling varieties of digital image making. Smith's story of the pixel's development begins with Fourier waves, proceeds through Turing machines, and ends with the first digital movies from Pixar, DreamWorks, and Blue Sky. Today, almost all the pictures we encounter are digital--mediated by the pixel and irretrievably separated from their media; museums and kindergartens are two of the last outposts of the analog. Smith explains, engagingly and accessibly, how pictures composed of invisible stuff become visible--that is, how digital pixels convert to analog display elements. Taking the special case of digital movies to represent all of Digital Light (his term for pictures constructed of pixels), and drawing on his decades of work in the field, Smith approaches his subject from multiple angles--art, technology, entertainment, business, and history. A Biography of the Pixel is essential reading for anyone who has watched a video on a cell phone, played a videogame, or seen a movie. 400 pages of annotations, prepared by the author and available online, provide an invaluable resource for readers.  


A Beginner's Guide to 3D Modeling - Cameron Coward Cover Art

A Beginner's Guide to 3D Modeling

A Beginner's Guide to 3D Modeling A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360 by Cameron Coward

A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling is a project-based, straightforward introduction to computer-aided design (CAD). You’ll learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360, the world’s most powerful free CAD software, to model gadgets, 3D print your designs, and create realistic images just like an engineering professional—with no experience required!  Hands-on modeling projects and step-by-step instructions throughout the book introduce fundamental 3D modeling concepts. As you work through the projects, you’ll master the basics of parametric modeling and learn how to create your own models, from simple shapes to multipart assemblies. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll learn more advanced modeling concepts like sweeps, lofts, surfaces, and rendering, before pulling it all together to create a robotic arm.  You’ll learn how to: • Design a moving robotic arm, a door hinge, a teapot,  and a 20-sided die • Create professional technical drawings for manufacturing and patent applications  • Model springs and other complex curves to create realistic designs • Use basic Fusion 360 tools like Extrude, Revolve, and Hole • Master advanced tools like Coil and Thread Whether you’re a maker, hobbyist, or artist, A Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling is certain to show you how to turn your ideas into professional models. Go ahead—dust off that 3D printer and feed it your amazing designs.


FreeCAD Basics Tutorial - Tutorial Books Cover Art

FreeCAD Basics Tutorial

FreeCAD Basics Tutorial by Tutorial Books

The FreeCAD Basics Tutorial book is the essential guide for engineers and designers without any experience in computer aided designing. This book will teach you the basics you need to know to start using FreeCAD with easy to understand, step-by-step tutorials. The author begins by getting you familiar with the Inventor interface and its basic tools. You will learn to model parts and create assemblies. Next, you will learn some additional part modeling tools, drawing.


Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 - Paul Kurowski Ph.D., P.Eng. Cover Art

Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024

Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 by Paul Kurowski Ph.D., P.Eng.

• Concurrently introduces SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 and Finite Element Analysis • Covers a wide variety of Finite Element Analysis problems • Uses hands-on exercises that build on one another throughout the book Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 goes beyond the standard software manual. Its unique approach concurrently introduces you to the SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 software and the fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) through hands-on exercises. A number of projects are presented using commonly used parts to illustrate the analysis features of SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Each chapter is designed to build on the skills, experiences and understanding gained from the previous chapters. Topics covered • Linear static analysis of parts and assemblies • Contact stress analysis • Frequency (modal) analysis • Buckling analysis • Thermal analysis • Drop test analysis • Nonlinear analysis • Dynamic analysis • Random vibration analysis • h and p adaptive solution methods • Modeling techniques • Implementation of FEA in the design process • Management of FEA projects • FEA terminology Table of Contents 1.   Introduction 2.   Static analysis of a plate 3.   Static analysis of an L-bracket 4.   Static and frequency analysis of a pipe support 5.   Static analysis of a link 6.   Frequency analysis of a tuning fork and a plastic part 7.   Thermal analysis of a pipe connector and heater 8.   Thermal analysis of a heat sink 9.   Static analysis of a hanger 10. Thermal stress analysis of a bi-metal loop 11. Buckling analysis of I-beam 12. Static analysis of a bracket using adaptive solution methods 13. Drop test 14. Selected nonlinear problems 15. Mixed meshing problem 16. Analysis of a weldment using beam and truss elements 17. Review of 2D problems 18. Vibration analysis - modal time history and harmonic 19. Analysis of random vibration 20. Topological Optimization 21. Miscellaneous topics – part 1 22. Miscellaneous topics – part 2 23. Implementation of FEA into the design process 24. Glossary of terms 25. Resources available to FEA users 26. List of exercises


Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 - Daniel John Stine Cover Art

Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025

Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 by Daniel John Stine

• Starts at an introductory level • Project based tutorials design a house from start to finish • Helps you prepare for the Autodesk Revit Architecture Certification Exam Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2025 is designed for users completely new to Autodesk Revit. This text takes a project based approach to learning Autodesk Revit’s architectural tools in which you develop a single family residence all the way to photorealistic renderings like the one on the cover. The lessons begin with a basic introduction to Autodesk Revit 2025. The first four chapters are intended to get you familiar with the user interface and many of the common menus and tools. Throughout the rest of the book a residential building is created and most of Autodesk Revit’s tools and features are covered in greater detail. Using step-by-step tutorial lessons, the residential project is followed through to create elevations, sections, floor plans, renderings, construction sets, etc. Table of Contents 1.   Getting Started with Autodesk Revit 2025 2.   Lake Cabin: Floor Plan 3.   Overview of Linework and Modify Tools 4.   Drawing 2D Architectural Objects 5.   Floor Plan (First Floor) 6.   Floor Plans (Second Floor and Basement Plans) 7.   Annotation 8.   Roof 9.   Floor Systems and Reflected Ceiling Plans 10. Elevations 11. Sections 12. Interior Design 13. Schedules 14. Site Tools and Photo-Realistic Rendering 15. Construction Documents Set      Index


Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2023 - Huei-Huang Lee Cover Art

Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2023

Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2023 Theory, Applications, Case Studies by Huei-Huang Lee

• A comprehensive easy to understand workbook using step-by-step instructions • Designed as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students • Relevant background knowledge is reviewed whenever necessary • Twenty seven real world case studies are used to give readers hands-on experience • Compatible with ANSYS Student 2023 Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2023 is a comprehensive and easy to understand workbook. It utilizes rich graphics and step-by-step instructions to guide you through learning how to perform finite element simulations using ANSYS Workbench. Twenty seven real world case studies are used throughout the book. Many of these case studies are industrial or research projects that you build from scratch. Prebuilt project files are available for download should you run into any problems.  Relevant background knowledge is reviewed whenever necessary. To be efficient, the review is conceptual rather than mathematical. Key concepts are inserted whenever appropriate and summarized at the end of each chapter. Additional exercises or extension research problems are provided as homework at the end of each chapter. A learning approach emphasizing hands-on experiences is utilized though this entire book. A typical chapter consists of six sections. The first two provide two step-by-step examples. The third section tries to complement the exercises by providing a more systematic view of the chapter subject. The following two sections provide more exercises. The final section provides review problems. Who this book is for This book is designed to be used mainly as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students. It will work well in: • a finite element simulation course taken before any theory-intensive courses • an auxiliary tool used as a tutorial in parallel during a Finite Element Methods course • an advanced, application oriented, course taken after a Finite Element Methods course ANSYS 2023 Student Software ANSYS provides a free, renewable six-month product license for students anywhere in the world. The only limitation is that the problem size should be less than 32,000 nodes/elements. All examples in this book are designed to meet this limitation.  Table of Contents 1.   Introduction 2.   Sketching 3.   2D Simulations 4.   3D Solid Modeling 5.   3D Simulations 6.   Surface Models 7.   Line Models 8.   Optimization 9.   Meshing 10. Buckling and Stress Stiffening 11. Modal Analysis 12. Transient Structural Simulations 13. Nonlinear Simulations 14. Nonlinear Materials 15. Explicit Dynamics       Index


Video Editing Made Easy with DaVinci Resolve 18 - Lance Phillips & Stefania Marangoni Cover Art

Video Editing Made Easy with DaVinci Resolve 18

Video Editing Made Easy with DaVinci Resolve 18 Create quick video content for your business, the web, or social media by Lance Phillips & Stefania Marangoni

Boost your audience on social media by leveraging DaVinci Resolve 18 and share impressive micro-content with the guidance of a certified Blackmagic Design training partner Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Key Features Enhance your content with creative editing, VFX composition, color grading, and sound editing techniquesLearn techniques to generate quick video content to engage and increase your audienceDiscover the latest features and hacks of DaVinci Resolve 18 to realize your creative ideas Book Description Micro content dominates social media marketing, but subpar editing and low-quality videos can shrink your audience. Elevate your social media game with DaVinci Resolve - the world's most trusted name in color grading that has been used to grade Hollywood films, TV shows, and commercials. Version 18 enables you to edit, compose VFX, mix sound, and deliver videos for different platforms, including social media and the web. You'll learn the basics of using DaVinci Resolve 18 to create video content, by first gaining an overview of creating a complete short video for social media distribution directly from within the “Cut” page. You'll discover advanced editing, VFX composition, color grading, and sound editing techniques to enhance your content and fix common video content issues that occur while using consumer cameras or mobile phones. By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped to use DaVinci Resolve to edit, fix, finish, and publish short-form video content directly to social media sites such as YouTube, Twitter, and Vimeo. What you will learn Explore how to edit, add effects, and post to social media using the new Cut pageDeliver video projects swiftly to a variety of social media formats using the Cut pageFix problems with videos, such as stabilizing footage and syncing audioEnhance the quality of your videos through color correction and other visual effects techniquesDiscover how to use the Neural Engine AI in the Studio Version of DaVinci Resolve to speed up your workAdd subtitles and dubbed audio to help your videos reach a wider audience Who this book is for This book is for beginner content makers looking for quick techniques to improve their skills and work. It's also useful for experienced content makers who want to begin using DaVinci Resolve for its advanced features. The book acts as a practical training manual for social media marketers, influencers, short film makers, small business owners creating their own content, vloggers, and film/media studies students at schools, colleges, or universities.


SOLIDWORKS 2024 Intermediate Skills - Paul Tran Cover Art

SOLIDWORKS 2024 Intermediate Skills

SOLIDWORKS 2024 Intermediate Skills Expanding on Solids, Surfaces, Multibodies, Configurations, Drawings, Sheet Metal and Assemblies by Paul Tran

• Picks up where SOLIDWORKS Basic Tools leaves off • Uses a step by step tutorial approach with real world projects • Comprehensive coverage of intermediate SOLIDWORKS tools and techniques • Expands on Solids, Surfaces, Multibodies, Configurations, Drawings, Sheet Metal and Assemblies • Includes a quick reference guide • This edition features a new chapter on Plastic Parts SOLIDWORKS 2024 Intermediate Skills is part of a three part series which builds on the SOLIDWORKS features learned in SOLIDWORKS 2024 Basic Tools. SOLIDWORKS 2024 Intermediate Skills broadens your SOLIDWORKS knowledge base by covering such features as surveys, lofts and boundaries, the use of multibodies, generating engineering drawings and other SOLIDWORKS functions that are critical for the effective use of this powerful software. This book helps prepare you for the advanced features of SOLIDWORKS which are covered in SOLIDWORKS Advanced Techniques. It uses a step by step tutorial approach with real world projects. This book also features a Quick-Reference-Guide to the SOLIDWORKS 2024 commands, icons, and customized hotkeys. Who’s this book for? This book is for the mid-level user, who is already familiar with the SOLIDWORKS program. It is also a great resource for the more CAD literate individuals who want to expand their knowledge of the different features that SOLIDWORKS 2024 has to offer. Table of Contents      Introduction: SOLIDWORKS User Interface 1.   Document Properties 2.   Sketching Skills 3.   Creating Multibody Parts 4.   Working with Multibody Parts 5.   Revolved & Thread Features 6.   Flex Bending 7.   Sweep with Guide Curves 8.   Lofts and Boundaries 9.   Surfaces and Patches 10. Configure Features 11. Assembly Motions and Mates 12. Using Smart-Mates 13. Introduction to Top Down Assembly 14. Using the Lip and Groove Options 15. Assembly Drawings and BOMs 16. Drawings and Detailing 17. SOLIDWORKS MBD 18. Sheet Metal Parts 19. Plastic Parts 20. Casted Parts 21. Smart Components 22. Using Subtract & Intersect Tools 23. Using Magnetic Mates 24. Hybrid Modeling      Glossary      Index      SOLIDWORKS 2024 Quick-Guides


Apple Music: The Ultimate Guide - iMore Editors Cover Art

Apple Music: The Ultimate Guide

Apple Music: The Ultimate Guide by iMore Editors

Apple Music is, to quote the company, "All the ways you love music. All in one place." It offers a music subscription service, curated playlists, an always-on 24/7 radio station, and access to your Mac’s library from any devices with iCloud Music Library. Naturally, such an ambitious service isn’t without its complications. If you want to love Apple Music, but it’s got you scratching your head, we’ve got the guide for you. In this book, we cover Apple Music’s basics, the difference between Apple Music and iTunes Match, what iCloud Music Library is (and what it does), and how to use iOS 8.4’s Music app, Apple Music Siri commands, and iTunes 12.2.


Mastering Apple Music - The Ultimate iTunes User Guide - Adidas Wilson Cover Art

Mastering Apple Music - The Ultimate iTunes User Guide

Mastering Apple Music - The Ultimate iTunes User Guide by Adidas Wilson

Apple Music is, to quote the company, "All the ways you love music. All in one place." In non-marketing lingo, Apple Music is built around two major components: iCloud Music Library, which combines your purchased music library and ripped tracks in one place; and the Apple Music streaming catalog, where you can find more than 10 million tracks from artists around the world. These two parts live side by side in the Music app: You can keep each separate by only streaming the Apple Music catalog, or you can add streaming songs to your offline Music library, where they can be mixed into playlists (offline or publicly shareable) or shuffled amongst the rest of your music. Apple Music also offers a massive recommendation and browsing area for its streaming catalog: As you listen to songs in the Music app, Apple collects data about your tastes and drops daily custom-curated playlists in the app for you to listen to, along with a weekly algorithmic "New Music" mix that suggests songs and artists you might like. You can also poke around the entire streaming catalog's array of new music, curated playlists, music videos, and more. Lastly, Apple Music includes a live, 24/7 radio station called Beats 1: It's only available to paying subscribers and features three main DJs along with a panoply of specialty shows from artists like Dr Dre, Elton John, Ryan Adams, Frank Ocean, Major Lazer, and Anna Lunoe. Table of Contents  Introduction 1. Signing up for Apple Music 2. Setting up Family Sharing 3. Take Charge of Your iTunes Account 4. Controlling your iTunes Genius 5. iTunes Match 6. Digital Rights Management 7. iPhone Music App 8. iTunes Radio 9. Transfer your iTunes Library from Several PCs 10. Migration 11. Downgrading from iTunes 12 to iTunes 11 12. iTunes Restriction Feature 13. Creating and Using Playlists on iPhone 14. Optimizing your iPhone Storage 15. Creating Playlist in iTunes 16. iTunes Account Purchase Problems 17. Adding Apple Music to Your iCloud Music Library 18. Reset iCloud Music Library 19. Apple Music on iTunes Instead of Matched 20. Updating your iTunes Version 21. Back Up iTunes With External HD 22. Authorize Computers on your iTunes 23. Setting ICloud IOS and ITunes Automatic Downloads 24. Beats 1 25. iTunes on Linux 26. Convert iTunes Music to MP3 27. Uninstall iTunes Without Losing Your Favorite Songs


iPhone Photography For Dummies - Mark Hemmings Cover Art

iPhone Photography For Dummies

iPhone Photography For Dummies by Mark Hemmings

Create beautiful iPhone photos with the techniques found in this book iPhone Photography For Dummies , shares the expertise of photography workshop instructor Mark Hemmings as he shows readers how to get stunning images using their favorite iPhone. By implementing Hemmings' simple techniques, you'll get professional-looking results in a fraction of the time you’d expect. You’ll learn to: Adjust camera settings Create majestic landscape images Capture exciting action shots Shoot beautiful portraits Select an editing app Share and organize images Shoot photos comfortably while on the go Perfect for those who want to take breathtaking photos without investing in a top-of-the-line camera, iPhone Photography For Dummies takes the guesswork and luck out of creating beautiful imagery. It shows people without formal training in photography how to make meaningful and noticeable improvements in their shooting technique using either the latest iPhone model or older versions of the device.


AutoCAD 2025 for the Interior Designer - Dean Muccio Cover Art

AutoCAD 2025 for the Interior Designer

AutoCAD 2025 for the Interior Designer AutoCAD for Mac and PC by Dean Muccio

• No prior AutoCAD experience is required • Created specifically for interior designers and classroom use • Uses interior space planning tutorials • Focused around a hotel suite project • Covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs Focused around a hotel suite project, AutoCAD 2025 for the Interior Designer provides the Interior Design student with a non-intimidating, tutorial based approach to learning the AutoCAD program. It accomplishes this by taking students that have no computer design experience from simple commands to complete projects in this single-semester sized text. This well organized and progressive approach to learning AutoCAD sets this text apart from others. To support all users, this book covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs. The emphasis of this book is on easy to understand descriptions and instructions, allowing the non-technical, artistic, visual learning Interior Design student to quickly get past the fear of using the computer to produce drawings. The focus is entirely on the use of AutoCAD for the Interior Design field and not simply architectural drawings. Chapters alternate between command descriptions, which are organized by a command set category, and tutorials. This allows students to easily refer back to command descriptions without hunting through a tutorial that introduces commands as it progresses. The emphasis is on the practical use of commands using the AutoCAD ribbon workspace, rather than the multiple (and seldom used) command options. Multiple tutorials of the hotel suite, which include floor plan, elevation views, dimensioning, and plotting, provide a practical application of the commands learned in the preceding chapters. Completely dimensioned drawings are provided at the beginning of each tutorial so that the advanced student, or an instructor led class, can complete them without going through the step-by-step process. This textbook is classroom proven, and relevant interior design homework problems are provided. After completing this book, the student will be able to create all their 2-D Interior Design work using AutoCAD. Table of Contents 1.   Getting Started with AutoCAD 2.   Setting up and Intro to AutoCAD 3.   Commands - Set 1: Drawing Constructions - Getting Started 4.   Hotel Suite Project - Tutorial 1 5.   Commands - Set 2: Working with Your Drawing 6.   Hotel Suite Project - Tutorial 2 7.   Commands - Set 3: Laying out Your Drawing for Printing 8.   Hotel Suite Project - Tutorial 3 9.   Commands - Set 4: Re-Using Objects and Getting Organized 10. Hotel Suite Project - Tutorial 4 11. Commands - Set 5: Annotating Your Drawing 12. Hotel Suite Project - Tutorial 5 13. Commands - Set 6: Creating and Editing Schedules 14. Commands - Set 7: Creating Curves and Rendering 15. Miscellaneous - Techniques, Commands and Options      Index


The Beginner's Guide to Procreate Dreams - David Miller Cover Art

The Beginner's Guide to Procreate Dreams

The Beginner's Guide to Procreate Dreams How to Create and Animate Your Stories on the iPad by David Miller

Animate anywhere and bring stories to life with Procreate Dreams! Procreate Dreams is a revolutionary way to make your own animated creations. Artist and instructor David Miller shows how to easily use the app and make stunning animations. Dive into the rich history of 2D animation, then take charge of the digital stage with Procreate Dreams' unique features. Including:-Hands-on tutorials on performance animation, gesture controls, frame rates, and keyframing.-Experiment with advanced techniques like masking, blending modes, and faux 3D effects, while organizing your projects with ease.-Expand your toolkit with lessons incorporating cinematography, classic animation techniques, and storyboarding.Whether you're crafting short-form content, motion graphics, or character rigging for a film, this book empowers you to bring your wildest ideas to life.


SOLIDWORKS 2024 Basic Tools - Paul Tran Cover Art

SOLIDWORKS 2024 Basic Tools

SOLIDWORKS 2024 Basic Tools Getting Started with Parts, Assemblies and Drawings by Paul Tran

• Starts at an introductory level, designed for beginners • Comprehensive coverage of beginning tools and techniques • Uses a step by step, tutorial approach with real world projects • Covers the creation of parts, assemblies and drawings • Features a quick reference guide and a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate practice exam • The first book of a three book series SOLIDWORKS 2024 Basic Tools is the first book in a three part series. It introduces new users to the SOLIDWORKS interface, SOLIDWORKS tools and basic modeling techniques. It provides you with a strong understanding of SOLIDWORKS and covers the creation of parts, assemblies and drawings. Every lesson and exercise in this book was created based on real world projects. Each of these projects has been broken down and developed into easy and comprehensible steps. Furthermore, at the end of every chapter there are self test questionnaires to ensure that you have gained sufficient knowledge from each section before moving on to more advanced lessons. This book takes the approach that in order to understand SOLIDWORKS, inside and out, you should create everything from the beginning and take it step by step. Who this book is for This book is for the beginner who is not familiar with the SOLIDWORKS program and its add ins. Table of Contents      Introduction: SOLIDWORKS 2024 User Interface 1.   System Options 2.   Document Templates 3.   Basic Solid Modeling - Extrude Options 4.   Basic Solid Modeling - Extrude & Revolve 5.   Revolved Parts 6.   Rib & Shell Features 7.   Patterns 8.   Part Configuration 9.   Modeling Threads 10. Bottom Up Assembly 11. Using Advanced Mates 12. Kinematics - Assembly Motions 13. Rendering with SOLIDWORKS Visualize 14. Drawing Preparations 15. Assembly Drawings 16. Drawing Views 17. Detailing 18. Sheet Metal Drawings 19. Configurations 20. Design Tables      CSWA Preparation Materials      Glossary      Index      SOLIDWORKS 2024 Quick-Guides


Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2023 - Shawna Lockhart Cover Art

Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2023

Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2023 2D Drawing, 3D Modeling by Shawna Lockhart

• Covers 2D drawing and 3D modeling • Uses step-by-step tutorials and written for novice users • Organization that parallels an introductory engineering course • Mechanical, electrical, civil, and architectural based end of chapter problems • Prepares you for the AutoCAD Certification Exam Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2023 provides a step-by-step introduction to AutoCAD with commands presented in the context of each tutorial. In fifteen clear and comprehensive chapters, author Shawna Lockhart guides you through all the important commands and techniques in AutoCAD 2023, from 2D drawing to solid modeling and finally finishing with rendering. In each lesson, the author provides step-by-step instructions with frequent illustrations showing exactly what appears on the AutoCAD screen. Later, individual steps are no longer provided, and you are asked to apply what you've learned by completing sequences on your own. A carefully developed pedagogy reinforces this cumulative-learning approach and supports you in becoming a skilled AutoCAD user. Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2023 begins with three Getting Started chapters that include information to get readers of all levels prepared for the tutorials. The author includes tips that offer suggestions and warnings as you progress through the tutorials. Key Terms and Key Commands are listed at the end of each chapter to recap important topics and commands learned in each tutorial. Also, a glossary of terms and Commands Summary list the key commands used in the tutorials. Each chapter concludes with end of chapter problems providing challenges to a range of abilities in mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering as well as architectural problems. Table of Contents       Getting Started: Preparing for the Tutorials       Getting Started: AutoCAD Basics       Getting Started: Studying for the AutoCAD Certification Exam 1.   Introduction to AutoCAD 2.   Basic Construction Techniques 3.   Basic Editing and Plotting Techniques 4.   Geometric Constructions 5.   Template Drawings and More Plotting 6.   2D Orthographic Drawings 7.   Dimensioning 8.   Advanced Dimensioning 9.   Section and Auxiliary Views 10. Blocks, DesignCenter, and Tool Palettes 11. Introduction to Solid and Surface Modeling 12. Changing and Plotting Solid Models 13. Creating Assembly Drawings from Solid Models 14. Solid Modeling for Section and Auxiliary Views 15. Rendering       Glossary       Appendix A: AutoCAD Command Summary       Index


Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone - Saied G Cover Art

Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone

Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone by Saied G

Introducing Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone - "the manual," reinvented with iBooks. Hello iPhoto interactively guides you through all the features of iPhoto. With over 200 screenshots, you're going to get an in-depth look at iPhoto and so many cool and hidden features. Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone features "Tap to Learn." Just tap what you're intrigued by and Hello iPhoto will teach it to you. While you're in a lesson, you'll notice magnifying bubbles in many screenshots so you'll never have to guess where the button or feature is that you're reading about. You'll learn about iTunes to sync your photos. You'll also learn about iPhoto for the Mac. This includes importing and organizing photos, and using Faces (face recognition) to organize your family and friends automatically. This is the beginning of our Hello series. Say tuned. Please feel free to follow us at and


Improve Your Photography: How Budding Photographers Can Get Pro Results - Jim Harmer Cover Art

Improve Your Photography: How Budding Photographers Can Get Pro Results

Improve Your Photography: How Budding Photographers Can Get Pro Results by Jim Harmer

"Improve Your Photography" has been purchased by thousands of beginning photographers across the world and has been recently updated in this second edition. The book is packed full of quick and easy tips to encourage budding photographers to improve while learning concepts and technical information on photography. Jim explains this book this way, "This is what every photographer needs to know to take clean and stunning photos. If I would have had this book when I started, I would have been two years ahead of everyone else in just 100 pages." The book covers topics such as tips for taking better portraits of people, instruction on choosing lenses, tips for landscape and sunset photography, and HDR. Unlike most photography books that confuse beginning and intermediate photographers with difficult concepts and too much technical data, this book is designed specifically to teach photographers who are just learning how shutter speed, aperture, and ISO work together. "If I would have had this book when I started learning photography, I would have been two years ahead in learning."


Logic Pro X - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

Logic Pro X - How It Works

Logic Pro X - How It Works A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

" Logic Pro X - How It Works " was not only the first manual available for Apple's music production app "Logic Pro X", it is the most comprehensive one and simply the best way to learn Logic. " Logic Pro X - How It Works " is also the only Logic book available as an interactive multi-touch eBook. On 849 pages, the author explains the app in great detail with additional background information that is often required to fully understand specific features. Many of the information regarding the functionality of Logic Pro X is found neither in the official documentation nor anywhere else.  Logic Pro X is a very deep and sometimes complex application that users (beginners and pros alike) often struggle with. This is where the unique approach of the Graphically Enhanced Manuals series come in. No matter how complex or complicated the subject is, the author provides easy to understand graphics and diagrams that let the reader understand and master the material. This interactive multi-touch eBook includes a 600 term Glossary that is linked throughout the content of the book. This is part one of two Logic books. " Logic Pro X - How It Works " and " Logic Pro X - The Details "  Readers love this unique way of leaning applications no matter how easy or complicated the app might be. Here are some responses from satisfied customers: "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - fform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand


The Apple Home - Macworld Editors Cover Art

The Apple Home

The Apple Home Master your home entertainment with an Apple TV, AirPlay, speakers, and more by Macworld Editors

Today, every hardware device we own, from our phones to our Macs, can play audio and video. If yours is an Apple household, reliant primarily on Apple hardware, you’re in luck: Those devices most likely support a technology called AirPlay that makes sharing audio and video among devices around the house relatively simple. Let Macworld's editors show you how to set up AirPlay for your devices and for a Mac mini media server. We’ll also recommend some AirPlay speakers and walk you through the process of selecting the right video-streaming service. And if you're interested in cutting your cable, we offer some great ways to make the Apple TV work for you.


Final Cut Pro X - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

Final Cut Pro X - How It Works

Final Cut Pro X - How It Works A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This book is an old version for Final Cut Pro X v10.0.9 The new book for version 10.3 is called "Final Cut Pro 10.3 - How it Works" and is also available on the iBooks Store


Master iPhone Photography - Macworld Editors Cover Art

Master iPhone Photography

Master iPhone Photography Snap, Edit, and Share Your Mobile Images by Macworld Editors

Thanks to the iPhone, many more of us have a camera in our pocket. But, like any art, perfect photography takes time. (Maybe not so much money wasted on roll upon roll of 35mm film, but still.) That's why we put together this book, our attempt to help you glide through the rough patches and onto photographic stardom. This book explains it all: the nitty-gritty bits of taking pictures, editing and sharing your work, and using third-party apps and accessories to move from mischief to mastery. We still can't teach you to have fun, or love your iPhone camera. But with any luck, this book will put you on that path.


Canon EOS Rebel T3i / 600D For Dummies - Julie Adair King Cover Art

Canon EOS Rebel T3i / 600D For Dummies

Canon EOS Rebel T3i / 600D For Dummies by Julie Adair King

A full-color guide to Canon's exciting new dSLR camera Whether it's your first dSLR, your first Canon camera, or simply a new tool for your photography, your Canon Rebel T3i/600D has countless capabilities and you'll want to understand them all. This book covers all the dials, menus, and controls, showing you how to use each one. It explains how to change and use various lenses and offers advice on exposure, focus, printing, using flash, sharing photos online, and much more, all with plenty of full-color examples to show what you can achieve. Canon's popular T3i/600D offers a vast array of options for the new dSLR photographer; this book guides you through all the settings, dials, and menus Explains how to use Live View mode and record, edit, and play back video Provides tips and advice on working with exposure, manipulating focus and color, switching from auto to manual controls, and using lighting creatively Shows how to get photos from the camera to the computer, then edit and manage them using different software packages Illustrated with full-color photos from the author, showing what you can achieve This fun and friendly book helps you to quickly and confidently take advantage of the many creative possibilities offered by your new Canon camera.


GarageBand for iPad - How it Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

GarageBand for iPad - How it Works

GarageBand for iPad - How it Works A New Type of Manual - the Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This is the only comprehensive manual for "GarageBand for iOS" (not just a quick start guide) " GarageBand for iPad - How it Works " from the GEM series (Graphically Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's popular music production application "GarageBand for iPad" with rich illustrations and diagrams that are not found in any other manual. The 288 page interactive Multi-Touch eBook (with a 200+ term interactive glossary) presents this software application in great details with that easy to understand, visual approach. It covers all the features of the app plus getting into great details about iCloud and iTunes File Sharing. All of that with the easy to understand, visual approach known from other books from the best-selling GEM series. "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - fform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 of pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand


iPhoto Tips & Tricks - Imagine Publishing Cover Art

iPhoto Tips & Tricks

iPhoto Tips & Tricks The essential guide to photo editing on your Mac by Imagine Publishing

Bringing you everything you need to know about iPhoto, this is the perfect tool for anyone who likes to get creative on their Mac. With in-depth features and step-by-step guides, iPhoto Tips & Tricks will help you unlock the potential of your Mac. Written by experts for readers dedicated to getting the most from their products, Tips & Tricks is a series that provides world-beating advice to experienced consumers, offering a variety of intermediate to advanced tutorials and stylish, cutting-edge features. In-depth yet accessible, the Tips & Tricks series offers a comprehensive solution unlike any other. Part of the iLife Tips & Tricks family.


iMovie for Beginners: iBooks 2 Edition - Imagine Publishing Cover Art

iMovie for Beginners: iBooks 2 Edition

iMovie for Beginners: iBooks 2 Edition Everything you need to know to get started in iMovie by Imagine Publishing

iMovie is a fantastic piece of software that will allow anyone to create their own high-quality movies. Whether you’re using your Mac, iPad or iPhone, iMovie packs in a whole host of features that allows you to film, edit and share your cinematic creations. Designed by experts as an accessible, friendly guide to world-beating software and devices, the For Beginners series will help give you the confidence to learn everything you need to know. Clear, easy-to-understand and comprehensive, For Beginners’ first class tutorials, features and reviews are created with you in mind, ready to give you the tools you need to get the most out of your new passion.


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers, The - Scott Kelby Cover Art

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers, The

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers, The by Scott Kelby

Since Lightroom 1.0 first launched, Scott’s Kelby’s The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers has been the world’s #1 bestselling Lightroom book (it has been translated into a dozen different languages), and in this latest version for Lightroom 6, Scott uses his same award-winning, step-by-step, plain-English style and layout to make learning Lightroom easy and fun. Scott doesn’t just show you which sliders do what (every Lightroom book will do that). Instead, by using the following three simple, yet brilliant, techniques that make it just an incredible learning tool, this book shows you how to create your own photography workflow using Lightroom: • Throughout the book, Scott shares his own personal settings and studio-tested techniques. Each year he trains thousands of Lightroom users at his live seminars and through that he’s learned what really works, what doesn’t, and he tells you flat out which techniques work best, which to avoid, and why. • The entire book is laid out in a real workflow order with everything step by step, so you can begin using Lightroom like a pro from the start. • What really sets this book apart is the last chapter. This is where Scott dramatically answers his #1 most-asked Lightroom question, which is: “Exactly what order am I supposed to do things in, and where does Photoshop fit in?” You’ll see Scott’s entire start-to-finish Lightroom 6 workflow and learn how to incorporate it into your own workflow. • Plus, this book includes a downloadable collection of some of the hottest Lightroom Develop module presets to give you a bunch of amazing effects with just one click! Scott knows firsthand the challenges today’s digital photographers are facing, and what they want to learn next to make their workflow faster, easier, and more fun. He has incorporated all of that into this major update for Lightroom 6. It’s the first and only book to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and visual way. Plus, the book includes a special chapter on integrating Adobe Photoshop seamlessly right into your workflow, and you’ll learn some of Scott’s latest Photoshop portrait retouching techniques and special effects, which take this book to a whole new level. There is no faster, more straight to the point, or more fun way to learn Lightroom than with this groundbreaking book.


Minecraft: Guide to Redstone (2017 Edition) - Mojang Ab & The Official Minecraft Team Cover Art

Minecraft: Guide to Redstone (2017 Edition)

Minecraft: Guide to Redstone (2017 Edition) by Mojang Ab & The Official Minecraft Team

Learn the art of redstone and become a master engineer with Minecraft: Guide to Redstone, then put theory into practice to construct intricate contraptions in Minecraft. Pick up the basics of the redstone components and their uses, discover how to make working circuits, and create incredibly complex builds using your new skills. With insider info and tips from the experts at Mojang, this is the definitive guide to redstone in Minecraft. This ebook is best viewed on a color device with a larger screen. Collect all of the official Minecraft books: Minecraft: The Island Minecraft: The Crash Minecraft: The Lost Journals Minecraft: The Survivors’ Book of Secrets Minecraft: Exploded Builds: Medieval Fortress Minecraft: Guide to Exploration Minecraft: Guide to Creative Minecraft: Guide to the Nether & the End Minecraft: Guide to Redstone Minecraft: Mobestiary Minecraft: Guide to Enchantments & Potions Minecraft: Guide to PVP Minigames Minecraft: Guide to Farming Minecraft: Let’s Build! Theme Park Adventure Minecraft for Beginners


The iBooks Author Manual - Tom Atkinson Cover Art

The iBooks Author Manual

The iBooks Author Manual The Ultimate Getting Published Guide by Tom Atkinson

The iBooks Author Manual is the quickest and easiest way to publishing your interactive book using Apple's iBooks Author.  The iBooks Author software is very easy to use, but in fact some sections of the software have little to no detailed explanations causing you to consume large amounts of time experimenting and reformatting text and images. There are several unstated rules that you MUST follow.  This manual quickly addresses those issues, saving you hours. The manual is divided into several sections from getting started to step-by-step procedures that you can replicate on your computer to gain a greater understanding of iBooks Author.  An entire section is dedicated to every menu and sub-item providing simple explanations of each.  The widget section will take you through step-by-step creation and their use. Another section explains how to create your customer templates. Graphs and their presentation are fully explained and much, much more. The presentation of the materials is in simple classroom format walking you through the all parts of iBooks Author giving you the necessary knowledge to get your document published.  From the beginner to the experienced user, this manual will prove to be a great resource in getting your first book published using Apple's iBooks Author.


iMovie '11 & iDVD: The Missing Manual - David Pogue & Aaron Miller Cover Art

iMovie '11 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

iMovie '11 & iDVD: The Missing Manual by David Pogue & Aaron Miller

Apple's video-editing program is better than ever, but it still doesn’t have a printed guide to help you get started. That's where this gorgeous, full-color book comes in. You get clear explanations of iMovie's impressive new features, like instant rendering, storyboarding, and one-step special effects. Experts David Pogue and Aaron Miller also give you a complete course in film editing and DVD design. Edit video like the pros. Import raw footage, add transitions, and use iMovie’s newly restored, intuitive timeline editor. Create stunning trailers. Design Hollywood-style "Coming Attractions!" previews for your movies. Share your film. Distribute your movie in a variety of places—on smartphones, Apple TV, your own site, and with one-click exports to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, CNN iReport, and MobileMe. Make DVDs. Design the menus, titles, and layout for your DVDs, and burn them to disc. This book covers version 9 of Apple's iMovie software.


Nikon D5100 For Dummies - Julie Adair King Cover Art

Nikon D5100 For Dummies

Nikon D5100 For Dummies by Julie Adair King

A picture-perfect beginner guide to the new Nikon D5100 Eager to take a shot at using the exciting new Nikon D5100? Then this is the introductory book for you! Aimed at first-time DSLR shooters who need a friendly guide on how to use their camera, this straightforward book is packed with full-color images that help demonstrate how to use features of the Nikon D5100. Coverage explores the on-board effects, low-light settings, and automatic HDR shooting. Clear explanations detail the ways in which you can use the new features of the Nikon D5100 to add unique shots to your portfolio while an explanation of photography terms gets you confident and savvy with this fun DSLR camera. Covers basic camera controls and functions, shooting in auto mode, setting photo quality, and navigating menus and the view screen Introduces the basics of photography, including the settings that control lighting, exposure, focus, and color Addresses the new low-light and HDR settings Encourages you to use the new onboard effects features and shares tips for improving images with editing software Get a grasp on the fun Nikon D5100 with this fun and friendly guide!


iPhoto for Beginners - Imagine Publishing Cover Art

iPhoto for Beginners

iPhoto for Beginners Everything You Need to Know to Get Started With iPhoto by Imagine Publishing

With iPhoto, Apple has made it easier than ever for us to edit, enhance and share our images. Whether on the move or at home, on your Mac, iPad or iPhone, iPhoto allows you to add effects, retouch, export and plenty more. In this book you’ll discover how to get more from iPhoto, and how it will be the only photo-editing program you should ever need to use. Designed by experts as an accessible, friendly guide to world-beating software and devices, the For Beginners series will help give you the confidence to learn everything you need to know. Clear, easy-to-understand and comprehensive, For Beginners’ first class tutorials, features and reviews are created with you in mind, ready to give you the tools you need to get the most out of your new passion.


GarageBand for Beginners - Imagine Publishing Cover Art

GarageBand for Beginners

GarageBand for Beginners Everything You Need to Know to Get Started In GarageBand by Imagine Publishing

Discover all GarageBand has to offer, from the built-in settings and options to making music on the move, recording your own masterpieces and working with a range of different instruments. All the basics are covered here to get you up and running in Apple’s excellent music-editing suite. Designed by experts as an accessible, friendly guide to world-beating software and devices, the For Beginners series will help give you the confidence to learn everything you need to know. Clear, easy-to-understand and comprehensive, For Beginners’ first class tutorials, features and reviews are created with you in mind, ready to give you the tools you need to get the most out of your new passion.


Canon EOS 60D For Dummies - Julie Adair King & Robert Correll Cover Art

Canon EOS 60D For Dummies

Canon EOS 60D For Dummies by Julie Adair King & Robert Correll

A full-color guide to all the bells and whistles in your new Canon 60D If you own a Canon 60D, you?ve got a camera for advanced amateurs and one that?s very close to professional-level equipment. Now it?s time to make sure you get the very most out of all that power. Julie Adair King teams up with Robert Correll to help digital camera users catch their skills up to what their cameras have to offer in this fun but thorough guide. Understand all your camera?s features, move beyond the security blanket of Auto mode, and start capturing the pictures you?ve dreamed of. Gives you the full picture on Canon?s EOS 60D dSLR camera, in the friendly, easy-to-follow, For Dummies style Helps you explore the 18-mexapixel sensor, full HD video recording, a tilt-view LCD, and expanded in-camera editing tools and filters Teaches you tricks and techniques, with over 300 example photos and menu captures in full color Reveals how to adjust settings for optimal exposure, lighting, focus, and color Gives you ten top tips on photo editing The Canon 60D dSLR camera, the expertise of Julie Adair King and Robert Correll, and your own, untapped ability?all you need now is the book! Canon EOS 60D For Dummies .


GarageBand for iPad: The complete video guide for beginners - Future Publishing Cover Art

GarageBand for iPad: The complete video guide for beginners

GarageBand for iPad: The complete video guide for beginners by Future Publishing

GarageBand for iPad is a fully interactive guide to Apple's amazing GarageBand app that helps everyone get to grips with its powerful music-creation tools. Using clear step-by-step video walkthroughs for each major part of GarageBand, you'll soon be able to record and edit a song like a pro! GarageBand is an incredible app for beginners and musicians alike, but it can be hard to know where to start with it. This easy guide takes you through using the virtual instruments, recording your song, plugging in and using real instruments, editing and tweaking your song, and sharing it with the world. There's a video for every step, so you'll be able to see exactly how to use the app to its full potential. With these friendly videos and interactive images from the experts behind MacFormat and Tap! magazines, you'll be writing and recording songs in no time!


GarageBand X - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

GarageBand X - How It Works

GarageBand X - How It Works A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This is the only interactive multi-touch eBook available for the application "GarageBand X (v10)" " GarageBand X - How it Works " is not only the first manual available for Apple's new music production app "GarageBand X", it is the most comprehensive one. On 676 pages, the  author explains the app in great detail with additional background information that is often required to fully understand specific features.  Many of the information regarding the functionality of the new GarageBand app is found neither in the official documentation nor anywhere else. No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced GarageBand user, the author provides easy to understand graphics and diagrams that let you understand and master the app. This interactive multi-touch eBook includes a 334 term Glossary that is linked throughout the content of the book. This is the ninth book in the bestselling series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals". Readers love this uniques way of learning applications no matter how easy or complicated the app might be. Here are some responses from satisfied customers: "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - freeform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand


Hello Mountain Lion Tips, Tricks & Secrets - Saied G Cover Art

Hello Mountain Lion Tips, Tricks & Secrets

Hello Mountain Lion Tips, Tricks & Secrets Mac OS X Tips by Saied G

Learn tips, tricks & secrets that will make you love your Mac way more. Almost every video is between 6 - 40 seconds long. These are quick tips so you can get back to your life.  Features:  • Over 100 tips, tricks & secrets  • All kinds of new apps/features in Mountain Lion  • Navigate through apps/features  • Unique, simple, beautiful interface  The majority of tips on Hello Mountain Lion Tips, Tricks & Secrets are things you would never search for because you would never think your Mac could do it. After decades of using a Mac, you pick up quite a few tricks. Tricks that make your life on your Mac more efficient. This book is a built with couple decades of Mac experience. We hope you enjoy it. This is our second book in our "Hello" series. Please follow us as we continue to release new apps/books: Thank you.


iMovie: The Missing Manual - David Pogue & Aaron Miller Cover Art

iMovie: The Missing Manual

iMovie: The Missing Manual 2014 release, covers iMovie 10.0 for Mac and 2.0 for iOS by David Pogue & Aaron Miller

This edition covers iMovie 10.0 for Mac and iMovie 2.0 for iOS. iMovie's sophisticated tools make it easier than ever to turn raw footage into sleek, entertaining movies—once you understand how to harness its features. Experts David Pogue and Aaron Miller give you hands-on advice and step-by-step instructions for creating polished movies on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. Dive in and discover why this is the top-selling iMovie book. The important stuff you need to know Get started. Import footage, review clips, and create movies, using iMovie’s new, streamlined layout. Include stunning effects. Introduce instant replays, freeze frames, fast-forward or slo-mo clips, and fade-outs. Add pro touches. Create cutaways, picture-in-picture boxes, side-by-side shots, and green-screen effects. Make movies on iOS devices. Tackle projects on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with our book-within-a-book. Produce stunning trailers. Craft your own Hollywood-style “Coming Attractions!” previews. Share your masterpiece. Quickly post movies to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, CNN iReport, and iTunes. Watch iMovie Theater. Play your movies on any Apple gadget in iMovie’s new full-screen cinema.


Motion 5 - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

Motion 5 - How It Works

Motion 5 - How It Works A New Type of Manual - the Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This is the only interactive multi-touch eBook available for the application "Motion 5"! "Motion 5 - How It Works" from the GEM series (Graphically Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's popular motion graphics application "Motion 5" with rich illustrations and diagrams that are not found in any other manual. This 312 pages interactive Multi-Touch eBook (with an extensive Glossary) presents this software application in great detail with that easy to understand, visual approach known from other books from the best-selling GEM series. "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - fform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 of pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand


Final Cut Pro X - The Details - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

Final Cut Pro X - The Details

Final Cut Pro X - The Details A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This book is an old version for Final Cut Pro X v10.0.9 The new book for version 10.3 is called "Final Cut Pro 10.3 - How it Works" and is also available on the iBooks Store


iPhoto for iOS - Ellen Anon & Josh Anon Cover Art

iPhoto for iOS

iPhoto for iOS Tap the Power by Ellen Anon & Josh Anon

iPhoto is the most popular and powerful photo editing app for iOS, and iPhoto for iOS: Tap the Power will help you learn step-by-step in an easy-to-understand format, with many images and videos, how to leverage that power. Covering everything from basic gestures to move between images to advanced information about what iPhoto does behind the scenes with high-resolution images, this book is packed with useful tidbits for users of all levels. The available book sample includes all of Chapter 1 as well as the first page of each following chapter so that you can get a feel for the book's style and contents.


Logic Remote - How It Works - Edgar Rothermich Cover Art

Logic Remote - How It Works

Logic Remote - How It Works A New Type of Manual - The Visual Approach by Edgar Rothermich

This is the only interactive multi-touch eBook available for the iOS application "Logic Remote" " Logic Remote (iPad) - How It Works " from the GEM series (Graphically Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's brand new iPad app "Logic Remote" with rich illustrations and diagrams that are not found in any other manual or even in Apple's own documentation. This 162 pages interactive Multi-Touch eBook presents this software application in great detail with that easy to understand, visual approach. This book is in fact the only comprehensive manual for this app.  "I wish all the manuals on software were like yours!" - Giovanni C. "You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable" - William B. "Your style is the most informative and clear I have ever seen" - Mark D. "Great stuff Edgar! I bought your other Logic GEM books and love em..." - fform "Thank you so much for your fantastic guides; I've learned so much!" - Brandon B. "I love your manuals."  - Eli.  UNDERSTAND , not just LEARN That is the motto of the book series "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" (GEM). They're a new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 of pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to understand


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